Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007


So! Time to feel sorry for us. First, I started with a cold and lovely canker sores. Then Cam joined in. But he seemed to get better quickly. Then Luke got sick - pretty badly. Then I had an OB appointment, where I had my one-hour glucose tolerance test. I PASSED! For the first time ever! With both boys, I failed and had to do the three-hour test (which sucks) - only to pass that one. So, I was pretty happy about passing the one-hour. Then, later that day, I started having the killerest sinus pressure. I went to the doctor Friday and I have a sinus infection. Then, yesterday, Cam started with a fever. Last night was fun. He slept with me. Luke is still snotty, but in good spirits. Cam is still fevering. I am feeling better, I think! But I think my prescription is giving me diarrhea. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Tony started feeling achy and icky Thursday. Ugh! Yes, so feel sorry for us. Maybe this week will be nice and boring!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Cam = mildly sick, cranky
Luke = very sick, cranky (but at least he's eating and drinking today)
Melanie = moderately sick, tired (but canker sores are improving!)
Tony = illness-free (but concerned about work changes)
Claire = swimming, tumbling
Hank & Walter = thirsty (off to get them some water)

Sunday, March 18, 2007


What really sucks is how much you (I) take good health and normalcy for granted. Currently, I have shitty canker sores on the side of my tongue and inside of my cheek. And a cold. Cam has the same cold, but worse. I'm sure the Lukester is next. I can totally deal with a cold, but these sores are a bitch. Feeling so icky and down really has me thinking that I should thank (whoever/whatever) every day that I'm healthy and just normal. I don't have to feel fabulous and full of joy and cheer - just not like something the cat dragged in. And Cameron is such a cranky sick kid. The whining, fits, and emotional craziness are completely exacerbated by illness. Another thing. He's got "the itchies." His legs (and other body parts, but mainly the legs) itch him like crazy lately. To the point of him groaning and groping at legs. I don't even know what to do about that. Is it normal dry skin, or something more serious? Is he exaggerating? Who knows? Tony wants to take him to the doctor tomorrow about it...

I just want to curl up under the covers and give up today!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And I call myself a reader

I am really feeling like a slouch! If someone asked what my favorite hobby is, I'd say reading...but I haven't read one book this year. I've read excerpts from pregnancy and newborn preparedness books, but I haven't read one novel! No memoirs. Nothing. My brain just might start turning to mush. I was keeping myself busy with Sudoku, but now I only play that when I'm, ahem, visiting the bathroom for an extended period of time. So, I just visited Tony's cousin's blog. She has two little kids, a full-time job and is working on her masters - and she's read 64 books in 2007. SIXTY-FOUR BOOKS IN 2007! And it's only March! So, yeah, I feel like a loser. How can I call myself a reader? What a disgrace!

In other news, we got Cam's and Luke's bunk beds, mattresses and other paraphernalia this weekend. Tony put Cam's bed together and it's huge! We decided to wait until we move to assemble Luke's. We didn't plan on bunking them yet (not until Cam's like six), and the two beds would make Cam's room look so small, and that would suck for showing the house. So we have Cam's "twin" bed and his old toddler bed in his room. We're going to try to ease Luke into sleeping in the toddler bed in Cam's room.

Tony is pretty much finished remodeling our 1/2 bath. Yes! Hooray! Progress! Just a few finishing touches to do: put up the towel ring, tp holder and put in the wooden threshold and it's complete. That's like nothing. Oh, and I'm going to "paint" a picture to hang in there.

I'll post some pictures of Cam's "new" room and the bathroom soon.

Next up: giving the main bathroom a bit of a facelift. Not really a facelift...more like a facial. Some caulk, washing the walls, a new coat of paint on the wainscoting. Easy-peasy. (I hope)

Then the big job of painting the living room and hall, along with painting the molding white.

Pregnancy update: I'm 27 weeks. C-section is scheduled for May 29th. I'm starting to swell, but not disgustingly so just yet. I'm carrying this girlie LOW. Way low. At least I can breathe. But she seems to revel in beating on my bladder. She's got rhythm, too. I had a bit of a scare this weekend, when I noticed blood in the loo after peeing. I was pretty certain it hadn't come from my hoo ha, but you can never be sure. It continued for like two days, and I went to the OB yesterday just to make sure all is ok. And apparently it is. Cervix is tightly closed and he could find no trace of blood in any region. No "giant hemorrhoids," as he put it. But I am "looking a little irritated back there." So, I got a script for hemmie/fissure cream. But I'm not in any pain, so I doubt I'll fill it. I just wanted to make sure the blood was not coming from my vagina. I can deal with a little bit in the bowl occasionally. I love how I'm just openly sharing this info in such a nonchalant manner! Don't you just love me?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fruit Loop Has a Name!

Last night, Tony and I decided on....

Claire Alden

Friday, March 9, 2007

And the reason(s) I still really dig BNL

So, yeah, "Told You So" was the song off of Barenaked Ladies' "Stunt" that got me interested in buying like all of their albums. I dunno, something about it drew me in.

And I'm a ginormous fan today because of songs like these. I was just going to post one, but since Ed did them both (these are his "Bathroom Sessions" - don't you ever get the urge to play your guitar and sing in your potty?) I just can't seem to choose. So, please, listen to them both. They are awesome. And you thought BNL wasn't a serious band. Yeah.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Why I started REALLY liking BNL

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Updates, updates.

Cameron had his first dentist visit Thursday. It went really well! First of all, I love our dentist - I've been seeing him for like years (although he's not that old, so he must have been mighty fresh out of school when I first saw him), and it's like talking to an old friend rather than a medical professional. Anyway, Cam got to watch Dr. B examine my teeth and he explained each instrument and what he was looking for, etc. Cam got to inspect my plaque (eww), which led him to ask "Can you eat it?" (freak) After my exam, Cam got in the chair and Dr. B counted his teeth, checked for cavities and checked out his bite. All is awesome! Yay. I was worried Cam had inherited Tony's dental genes and not mine.

Well, we did it. Cam's and Luke's Chuck E. Cheese virginities have been stolen. We met one of my friends and her little girl there yesterday for playing and lunch. I have to admit, they have improved our CEC a whole lot. I remember it as a dark, icky place. Now it has lots of natural light and is pretty clean, and doesn't seem as crowded and icky. There is no longer a ball pit thing (thank God). They do have this elevated maze/tunnel thing, but C&L didn't even notice it (again, thank God). Cam spent most of his tokens riding Scoop from Bob the Builder. Both boys enjoyed it immensely, but it was exhausting for me. It's hard to keep an eye on both of them, and dragging Luke away from the duck game long enough to give Cam "more money!!" to ride Scoop again. The food was ok, but kind of expensive. I think next time, we'll skip the lunch part.

This afternoon, Cam and I went to the library to hang out with Peter Frampton. No, really. He was doing a reading of Peter and the Wolf and the Cincinnati Children's Orchestra was there to accompany the reading. We got there 30 minutes early, but were too late. The capacity was only like 250, and they cut the line off about 30 people ahead of us. There were hundreds waiting behind us, too. The thing is - a lot of the people that were ahead of us were adults without children. I know it's Frampton, but it was definitely a children's program, so it kind of rubs me the wrong way that these rabid adults didn't give up their spots to kids. Anyway. Cam was a little disappointed, but we got to play in the play area for a bit. Oh, btw, Peter Frampton lives in Cincinnati and is friends with the Children's Librarian at Shawn's branch.

I *think* we've narrowed Baby Fruit Loop's name down to three choices. I think. One begins with an "A," one begins with a "C" and the third starts with "E." And we have like a choice of three middle names to go with them. That doesn't tell you much, does it? I'll say that both Tony and I like all three, but I like one more than the other two, and Tony likes one of the other two better than mine. And Cameron agrees with him. Hmmm. What to do? Good thing we have like 13 more weeks to decide.
- Posted @ 3/3/2007 3:06:19 PM

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