Wednesday, February 28, 2007
while the boys nap...
dust LR (including blinds from hell) - CHECK!
load DW - CHECK (and it's running!)
clean counters/table - CHECK
fold towels, sheets - CHECK
bring up giant basket of clean clothes - CHECK
take down giant basket of dirty clothes - CHECK
wash dirty clothes - CHECK
dry no-longer-dirty clothes
clean up computer armoire - CHECK
relax - CHECK
…and I even put a second load of blanket/sheets in the washer and am preparing to start a grocery list. Go me.
load DW - CHECK (and it's running!)
clean counters/table - CHECK
fold towels, sheets - CHECK
bring up giant basket of clean clothes - CHECK
take down giant basket of dirty clothes - CHECK
wash dirty clothes - CHECK
dry no-longer-dirty clothes
clean up computer armoire - CHECK
relax - CHECK
…and I even put a second load of blanket/sheets in the washer and am preparing to start a grocery list. Go me.
Monday, February 26, 2007
What the heck are they up to, anyway?
Back and forth, back and forth we go on the moving issue. Here's the latest and greatest. NOW, we are finishing up the 1/2 bath (it only needs some touch up paint on some of the trim, then we can install the commode, sink, cabinet, mirror, fixtures!), next we will paint the beadboard and trim in the full bath and give the drywall a good scrubbing, and finally we'll paint the living room and hallway (including painting the wood trim white). THEN, we're calling a realtor and having him/her come in and tell us if we've done enough to list and if we'll likely get what we're looking for for the house. I'm itching to get into a new place before the baby comes. However, I completely understand if that can't happen. It would be tight, I know. Tony needs like a month and a half to get the work around here finished (working weekends, mostly) and we don't want to list the house before the Spring, because our yard/landscaping should be a major asset and we want to show it off. So....that's that. It's exciting, stressful, and all that emotional stuff. We've found a couple of houses on the internet in areas we like, but who knows if they'll be available when we are ready...and who knows if they're as great in person as they look online. I go through phases of being confident about selling our house and easily buying another and then completely terrified that our house sucks and we won't be approved for financing for the amount we need. Blurgh! I kind of just want to get it over with! We've been dragging our feet for years and years now.
In other news...Tony and Cam have haircuts tonight, I'm getting my highlights done & brows waxed, and Amy's joining us for a cut as well. If my hair person has time, I might see if she'll give me a cut, too. If I do go with a cut, it's going to be short. Well, not drastically short, but a short bob. Cameron and I are all spiffy and clean, and now I'm debating on whether or not to throw the Lukester in the tub as well...I think we'll see how messy he gets at lunch/dinner. That's right, I said lunch/dinner. Since our appointment falls during dinner time, we're having a big meal around 3:30. At least the kids are.
And despite the fact that it's Monday and it's gray and bleak-looking outside, I'm in a decent mood. And I just got rid of a killer headache! Wow, it must be an exceptional kind of day.
In other news...Tony and Cam have haircuts tonight, I'm getting my highlights done & brows waxed, and Amy's joining us for a cut as well. If my hair person has time, I might see if she'll give me a cut, too. If I do go with a cut, it's going to be short. Well, not drastically short, but a short bob. Cameron and I are all spiffy and clean, and now I'm debating on whether or not to throw the Lukester in the tub as well...I think we'll see how messy he gets at lunch/dinner. That's right, I said lunch/dinner. Since our appointment falls during dinner time, we're having a big meal around 3:30. At least the kids are.
And despite the fact that it's Monday and it's gray and bleak-looking outside, I'm in a decent mood. And I just got rid of a killer headache! Wow, it must be an exceptional kind of day.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Let the games begin
I have never been so insulted. Yesterday, Cameron and I took Luke to the doctor (he's probably got roseola). On the way home, I stopped at a little market near our house to get a Kentucky Post, since I knew our photo would be in it. I parked right in front of the newspaper dispenser box thing and got my change and got out. There was this rough-looking haggish woman standing outside the store, smoking. I assume she works there. As I'm putting my money in, she says, "Looks like you've got two little ones in there," pointing to my van. I nod yes and continue inserting my nickels. Then she says, "And you're going to have another one! How old are those two?" I tell her 3.5 and 1.5. And she replies, "Girl! Didn't you learn what makes those babies the first time?!!?" I just smiled and fake laughed as I got my paper and retreated to the car. WHAT A BITCH! Seriously. As if I'm some welfare case popping out babies for her hard-earned tax dollars to support. Like I'm 18 years old and working on my third child. Why would she assume that I keep getting knocked up because I'm too stupid to know that sex makes offspring? Of course, I should have said, "yeah, I'm just a slut who can't keep her legs closed for a second. I can't figure out why these young'uns keep bein' born." I'm way too slow to come up with something like that on the spot, though. What pisses me off is this idea that having children is bad, especially having them close in age. I mean, Luke was COMPLETELY planned. We tried for 10 months to have that kid. So, yeah, I DID learn the first time what makes babies, and I learned that having one was so cool that we couldn't wait to continue our family. And, yeah, this pregnancy wasn't planned at this time, but damn! We're able to deal with that and provide a loving home for her. We were planning on having three kids anyway. Although, I'm sure they will cut into my future fucking time, being the hobag of Erlanger that I am...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The big, important post-Presidents' Day update
I'm 24.5 weeks pregnant and TIRED. I was stinking tired the first trimester, and then got more energy for a I'm back to zombie-state. I'm not feeling very motivated to get anything done, either. I have clothes to list on eBay, laundry to move, towels to fold and just general picking up to do. And dusting - we always need to dust, no matter how often we dust. This has got to be the dustiest house in history. At least the house is decent-looking at the moment, so I don't have a big mess to depress me.
Lukey has a fever. We think it's associated with teething, or a virus with no other symptoms. He's just grumpy and feverish. The only symptoms he has are those associated with having a fever. I can tell his teeth are hurting him, because his hands are in his mouth a lot lately.
Cam is at school right now - it's Valentine Party day. Of course, it was supposed to be last Tuesday, but they were out due to snow/ice both Tuesday and Thursday. Cam was a bear to wake up this morning. He kept making excuses as to why he couldn't get up...his belly hurt, he had a frog in his throat, he was sick....blah, blah, blah! If he doesn't wake up on his own, he is a grump and a half! Luckily, I was able to get him moving. I know he'd hate to miss the party, and he misses enough school as it is for legitimate reasons!
OK, I can put it off no longer - off to launder the linens n things.
Lukey has a fever. We think it's associated with teething, or a virus with no other symptoms. He's just grumpy and feverish. The only symptoms he has are those associated with having a fever. I can tell his teeth are hurting him, because his hands are in his mouth a lot lately.
Cam is at school right now - it's Valentine Party day. Of course, it was supposed to be last Tuesday, but they were out due to snow/ice both Tuesday and Thursday. Cam was a bear to wake up this morning. He kept making excuses as to why he couldn't get up...his belly hurt, he had a frog in his throat, he was sick....blah, blah, blah! If he doesn't wake up on his own, he is a grump and a half! Luckily, I was able to get him moving. I know he'd hate to miss the party, and he misses enough school as it is for legitimate reasons!
OK, I can put it off no longer - off to launder the linens n things.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Who you are, who are you?
OK, do you ever think about changing your personality, or aspects of your personality, to make yourself a better person? Or to make the people around you happier? For instance, I am not a sunshiny person. I do not brighten a room when I walk in, full of smiles and chatter. I'm much more low-key. Not to say I think I'm a negative, dark person (at least I don't think so), but I'm not a spreader-of-joy, either. If I were more cheery, more smiley, more HAPPY, would that make me better? Would that make my family and friends feel better about me, and themselves? Or would it seem fake? They know me for they like who I just naturally am? Would being a faceful of smile make me different to the point that they'd no longer like who I am? I'm confused. Deep down, I think that changing who you are is wrong. But then, sometimes change is good. Self-improvement is desirable, right? What to do, what to do?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Snack Time
In fact, excellent.
Keebler Butter Herb Snack Sticks with Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb cheese spread.
Yum. You may think, "nah, too herby." But you'd be wrong. It's a very delicious snack.
In fact, excellent.
Keebler Butter Herb Snack Sticks with Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb cheese spread.
Yum. You may think, "nah, too herby." But you'd be wrong. It's a very delicious snack.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Some icy pics
The lovely Bradford Pear in our back yard

A little bush in our front yard

And a tree with a big broken branch in our neighbor's yard (and the poor mail man). I hope this tree isn't too damaged, because it flowers beautifully for like 3 weeks in the Spring.

Walking on snow/ice/snow/ice/snow is hard.

A little bush in our front yard

And a tree with a big broken branch in our neighbor's yard (and the poor mail man). I hope this tree isn't too damaged, because it flowers beautifully for like 3 weeks in the Spring.

Walking on snow/ice/snow/ice/snow is hard.
Internet, Sweet Internet
Tuesday, It's 11am...
So, something's going on with our DHL connection. I've tried everything to get it to work, thinking it was our problem. I finally gave in and called the help(less) desk. I totally should have called them earlier, because it's not just an isolated issue. Service to many homes in our area is down and their engineers are working on the problem. Hmph. I hope they are...being Internet-less is driving me batty! Listen to this - I've actually cleaned the wood blinds. Our 2-inch wood blinds in the living room are the bane of my existence. They NEVER are dust-free, no matter how hard Tony or I try. When we had a once-monthly maid service for several months back when I was expecting Cameron, they were clean. I have no idea how she did it, but that house-cleaner knew the secret. Obviously, she didn't share. Today, I took I took out some of the telescoping length things from my Swiffer and put a Swiffer cloth on there and dusted the blinds, turned up and turned down. Then I sprayed Endust on an old towel and cleaned each blind, one by one. I had to take a couple of breaks...totally back-breaking, arm-numbing work. It took quite a while. And I haven't inspected my work yet - I'm scared of how dusty they'll still look. It really pisses me off to spend so much time, sweat, energy on something and have it look like it wasn't touched in the end.
We had some snow, sleet and freezing rain in our area last night and it's supposed to continue today. It really wasn't bad where we live, but apparently it's nasty a little bit north. Like, every school imaginable is closed today. Even the independent city schools that never close. Of course, Cam's preschool follows our county's district, so he was off today. He wasn't too pleased about that. And neither am I, since we pay whether he goes or not.
I guess I should go downstairs and start a load of laundry, and then dust the rest of the living room. I'll come back and type some more when I'm longing to surf in a bit...
Now it's 3pm...
And my back is on fire! I've been cleaning so much it's insane. Living room? Spotless. Kitchen and dining room? Lookin' good (except I need to do the floors, grrrr). Laundry? I need to switch loads, but at least it's going. The boys? Properly played with, fed and now resting. I just put them both down for naps. Hopefully, they'll be snoozing soon. I'm exhausted! I need my Internet! All this housework is killing me. OK, off to lie on the couch and watch Dr. Phil before I continue the laundry.
Still no Internet! Can barely walk, even though I took Tylenol for the back pain.
11:15 am Wednesday...
Well, we had an eventful night last night. Our power went off around 8:40, during a completely boring American Idol. We had just put Cam to bed, and it freaked him out and amped him up, so he slept with us. Or should I say, plastered to me. It was so cold in here! It came back on around 6am this morning. Luke woke up freezing around 4:30, so Tony got up with him. He was up for the day. Tony didn't go to work. It's so icy out...lots of trees down...lots of people without power. We are actually going to try to get out to go to lunch here in a few. May be a silly idea, but Cameron is so stir crazy! It's really pretty outside - the trees are covered with ice, and the snow is flurrying around. I'll try to get a good picture when we leave. Unfortunately, the winds are supposed to pick up considerably, with could mean more power outages. Luckily, we are all clean (well, the C & L are in the bath now, so they're halfway there), so if our electricity goes out again, we'll just be cold instead of cold + dirty.
At least my Internet is back!! I felt so out-of-touch yesterday. Not that I missed much, but it completely drove me nuts. Addicted much?
So, something's going on with our DHL connection. I've tried everything to get it to work, thinking it was our problem. I finally gave in and called the help(less) desk. I totally should have called them earlier, because it's not just an isolated issue. Service to many homes in our area is down and their engineers are working on the problem. Hmph. I hope they are...being Internet-less is driving me batty! Listen to this - I've actually cleaned the wood blinds. Our 2-inch wood blinds in the living room are the bane of my existence. They NEVER are dust-free, no matter how hard Tony or I try. When we had a once-monthly maid service for several months back when I was expecting Cameron, they were clean. I have no idea how she did it, but that house-cleaner knew the secret. Obviously, she didn't share. Today, I took I took out some of the telescoping length things from my Swiffer and put a Swiffer cloth on there and dusted the blinds, turned up and turned down. Then I sprayed Endust on an old towel and cleaned each blind, one by one. I had to take a couple of breaks...totally back-breaking, arm-numbing work. It took quite a while. And I haven't inspected my work yet - I'm scared of how dusty they'll still look. It really pisses me off to spend so much time, sweat, energy on something and have it look like it wasn't touched in the end.
We had some snow, sleet and freezing rain in our area last night and it's supposed to continue today. It really wasn't bad where we live, but apparently it's nasty a little bit north. Like, every school imaginable is closed today. Even the independent city schools that never close. Of course, Cam's preschool follows our county's district, so he was off today. He wasn't too pleased about that. And neither am I, since we pay whether he goes or not.
I guess I should go downstairs and start a load of laundry, and then dust the rest of the living room. I'll come back and type some more when I'm longing to surf in a bit...
Now it's 3pm...
And my back is on fire! I've been cleaning so much it's insane. Living room? Spotless. Kitchen and dining room? Lookin' good (except I need to do the floors, grrrr). Laundry? I need to switch loads, but at least it's going. The boys? Properly played with, fed and now resting. I just put them both down for naps. Hopefully, they'll be snoozing soon. I'm exhausted! I need my Internet! All this housework is killing me. OK, off to lie on the couch and watch Dr. Phil before I continue the laundry.
Still no Internet! Can barely walk, even though I took Tylenol for the back pain.
11:15 am Wednesday...
Well, we had an eventful night last night. Our power went off around 8:40, during a completely boring American Idol. We had just put Cam to bed, and it freaked him out and amped him up, so he slept with us. Or should I say, plastered to me. It was so cold in here! It came back on around 6am this morning. Luke woke up freezing around 4:30, so Tony got up with him. He was up for the day. Tony didn't go to work. It's so icy out...lots of trees down...lots of people without power. We are actually going to try to get out to go to lunch here in a few. May be a silly idea, but Cameron is so stir crazy! It's really pretty outside - the trees are covered with ice, and the snow is flurrying around. I'll try to get a good picture when we leave. Unfortunately, the winds are supposed to pick up considerably, with could mean more power outages. Luckily, we are all clean (well, the C & L are in the bath now, so they're halfway there), so if our electricity goes out again, we'll just be cold instead of cold + dirty.
At least my Internet is back!! I felt so out-of-touch yesterday. Not that I missed much, but it completely drove me nuts. Addicted much?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
We ate at Olive Garden the other night...
I really like spaghetti and all things noodle, but I do not like watching others eat such cuisine. OK, so the proper way is to roll your spaghetti on your fork, either aided by a large spoon or just against the plate. So, I see some people doing this, and they end up with a giant ball of spaghetti that reminds me of one of those balls bored office workers make from collected rubber bands. And then they have to open their mouths really wide to shove the massive glob of carbs in. Can't be too much fun chewing all that, and it just seems like a lot of work to me. Then there are the people who just scoop up a load of spaghetti on their fork, and take a bite while the length of the noodles hangs from their fork and/or mouths. Ewww! That is the worst. Hey, I'm no pro. I may be part Italian, but I cut my spaghetti and eat it in bite-sized portions. No fuss, no muss, no obnoxious scene. Next time you are out and order long-noodle pasta, just know - I am watching. You may want to stick with the penne.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
3 _ 7 _ _ 2 _
Sometimes, I'm so good at Level 1 that it would make you cry. Sometimes.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Sweating Buckets
Remember those books...Hot Chocolate for the Soul? Wait, maybe it was Chicken Soup. Anyway. I just drank two big ole mugs of hot chocolate, consecutively. Perfect for a freezing cold, snowy day. Now, I'm beyond hot. Sweat is pouring out of all orifices, pores, etc. My shirt has big sweat stains under the boob area. I'm thinking of filling the tub with ice cubes and heading in for a good game of Sudoku...
This has been bugging me
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up got Jack, and home did trot
As fast as he could caper
He went to bed and bound his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
WTF is vinegar and brown paper? Is this a first aid remedy that, as a parent, I should know about? After some research, apparently the answer is yes...kind of...
Apple cider vinegar is a much more useful astringent than ice and will reduce inflammation, bruising and swelling in approximately a third of the time that ice will take.
So, if you come into contact with a child who has broken his crown (aka, I guess, has a bump on his head), pour some vinegar on a grocery bag, slap it on his head and put said kid to bed. (And pray it's not a concussion or a hematoma or something...)
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Oh, to be three and philosophical
Cam: Mommy, what do pigs eat?
Mom: I don't know, Cam, what do you think they eat?
Cam: Roast beef.
Mom: That's right, they sure do, don't they?
Cam: Mom, what's roast beef?
Mom: It's the good part of a cow.
Cam: I don't eat cows.
Dad pipes in: You eat pigs, though.
Cam: Pigs say "oink oink" in my stomach.
Random declaration from the back seat Friday night:
"We poop out of our butts and we don't talk about them."
Thursday, February 1, 2007
I'm not an animal-hater, but...
Lick, lick, lick, lick, lick,'s driving me completely mad. Keep the scissors away from me - I might cut his tongue out.
Thank you!