Monday, April 30, 2007
News and things
So, hey. I obviously haven't been blogging lately. Been very busy, though. Last week, our realtor came and walked through the house. She gave us a few tips of things that we can do before we list. Luckily, all were already on our list. So, we're working quickly to get stuff done (hopefully by the end of this weekend) so we can put the house on the market quickly...exciting, scary, and a bit stressful.
Cameron is REALLY acting up. Really, really badly. We think it's because we are so busy with house projects, cleaning, being pregnant, etc and he feels bored and isn't getting as much attention as usual. It sucks, but there's not much we can do about it now. Today, he has lost his TV privileges, along with his cars and trains for the day. And I really don't consider myself a hardass, so you know he had to have been misbehaving big time!
Luke, he has his days, too, but that's nothing new. Today, though, he is delightful. For the most part, anyway! He's in a fabulous mood, laughing and being too cute. And he's been playing nicely while Cam fits and carries on. Speaking of The Luke, he got his first real haircut this week! Would you like to see?
Before (Curly Mop Head Boy)

After (Look at me - I'm a Big Boy!)

It's actually still very wavy and curly, especially on days when it doesn't get washed. But a lot tamer, now!
Oh yeah, guess what? I'm 34.5 weeks pregnant now. HOLY FUCK, right? I know! Where did the time go? Claire's room is just about ready. We painted over Luke's airplane mural, but didn't need to change the general paint color. Her crib bedding is all set's all pink and girly. We have her quilt hung on the wall and half of her window treatment up (need to get another valance). We also have some cloth flower wall hangings to place above the crib...just need to figure out how to arrange them. And I need to get a crib mobile. Pictures will be forthcoming (and of the boys' room, too! oh yeah, and the 1/2 bath. well, crap, why don't I post photos of every room in the house?)
Okey dokey, I need to take pictures of some ebay stuff. Need to get some auctions going to defray the cost the kick-ass dolls I had my friend make for my niece and her soon-to-be new brother. Maddox Out.
Cameron is REALLY acting up. Really, really badly. We think it's because we are so busy with house projects, cleaning, being pregnant, etc and he feels bored and isn't getting as much attention as usual. It sucks, but there's not much we can do about it now. Today, he has lost his TV privileges, along with his cars and trains for the day. And I really don't consider myself a hardass, so you know he had to have been misbehaving big time!
Luke, he has his days, too, but that's nothing new. Today, though, he is delightful. For the most part, anyway! He's in a fabulous mood, laughing and being too cute. And he's been playing nicely while Cam fits and carries on. Speaking of The Luke, he got his first real haircut this week! Would you like to see?
Before (Curly Mop Head Boy)

After (Look at me - I'm a Big Boy!)

It's actually still very wavy and curly, especially on days when it doesn't get washed. But a lot tamer, now!
Oh yeah, guess what? I'm 34.5 weeks pregnant now. HOLY FUCK, right? I know! Where did the time go? Claire's room is just about ready. We painted over Luke's airplane mural, but didn't need to change the general paint color. Her crib bedding is all set's all pink and girly. We have her quilt hung on the wall and half of her window treatment up (need to get another valance). We also have some cloth flower wall hangings to place above the crib...just need to figure out how to arrange them. And I need to get a crib mobile. Pictures will be forthcoming (and of the boys' room, too! oh yeah, and the 1/2 bath. well, crap, why don't I post photos of every room in the house?)
Okey dokey, I need to take pictures of some ebay stuff. Need to get some auctions going to defray the cost the kick-ass dolls I had my friend make for my niece and her soon-to-be new brother. Maddox Out.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I want
to get this baby out of me.
Chinese food.
chocolate/vanilla swirl soft serve ice cream on a cone.
happy, healthy kids.
basement lights that work.
the unrelenting bladder pressure to end.
Chinese food.
chocolate/vanilla swirl soft serve ice cream on a cone.
happy, healthy kids.
basement lights that work.
the unrelenting bladder pressure to end.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Is it Monday yet?
We are having the crappiest weekend at home. It has just been tense, whiney, and depressing. This morning, Cam refused to use the bathroom and then proceeded to pee on the couch. All the way through the cushion, into the the body of the couch and onto the carpet underneath. Not fun. For anyone involved. Tony is currently taking a nap, the boys are actually playing pretty nicely together, and I'm looking for things to do. And to eat. Not having much luck with either. I could do laundry, but we're out of detergent. I could get a shower, but not with the boys up and about, unsupervised. Plus the cushion pad and cover are in the tub right now. The kitchen is relatively clean. I should probably clean out our bedroom closet, but I likely wouldn't get very far with my little "helpers." Nothing much to eat around the house. Nothing much to look at online or on the tube at the moment. I just want to do something, worth anything. I kind of just want Monday to get here, so we can get back to our normal "routine" and to just start the week fresh. I guess I'll go work on the bedroom.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Domestically Challenged?
Cameron wet his bed for the first time in lots of weeks this morning. When I got around to putting fresh sheets on it, I totally made too much work for myself. The mattress needed to be flipped (it's new, and you're supposed to turn it, then flip it two weeks later, then turn it two weeks later, then spin it on your finger like a basketball, then parade around town with it on your head, then you can call it evenly broken in). So, I took off the plastic sheet protector, flipped the mattress, then put the plastic sheet back on, then the fitted sheet, then the flat sheet - all tucked in nicely....when I realized I forgot to put on the mattress pad. Ugh, so I had to take off the tucked-in flat sheet and the fitted sheet, then put on the mattress pad, put on the fitted sheet, and finally struggle to tuck in the flat sheet once more. I was freaking burning up by the time I finished. I felt like I had just run 5 miles in the summer heat. I seriously had to open the window in the boys' room...and it was 40 degrees outside! Times like these clearly illustrate the reason I don't get much housework done during pregnancy!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Why make it hard to enjoy something easy?
Why do people cut the "stems" off of bananas? Tony's dad and stepmom got the boys an Easter basket full of fruit (which ROCKS in my book) but they cut the tops off the bananas! Why? It makes it almost impossible to peel. I end up having to jab my thumb nail into what's left of the "stem" and try to break through that way. It feels gross and kind of hurts and then you have banana thumb for the next hour. I remember they used to do this in elementary school, but I thought that was just a dumb unexplainable school thing. So, tell me, what is the benefit of beheading bananas?
Monday, April 9, 2007
Raw on a Roll
When your "basic" cable consists of the local network channels, a few PBS stations, the WB or whatever it's called, the real estate channel, WGN, a very fuzzy TNT and a myriad of public access crap, you have to get creative in your viewing. On more than one occasion, I've found myself entranced in the most bizarre train-wreck of a show ever...."The Debbie Merrill Show - Raw on a Roll." If you've never seen this, you have got to browse your listings to find out if your cable provider picks it up. It's just....just....awesomely, crazily, amazingly awful!

So, Debbie Merrill is this over-tan, over-energetic old chick who is always on inline skates and usually in a bikini, touting her healthy lifestyle. Her costume and set are always patriotic themed. She is a raw food vegan and believes rollerskating is the key to life. The show is just crazy. She shows viewers various rollerblade moves and has on hippie guests (who are usually decked out in patriotic garb as well). The guests are sometimes "musicians" (and I use that term loosely), yoga/meditation people, fellow vegans sharing meal ideas, and showgirls. The think is, Debbie is a total camera hog and is always skating in front of her guests, trying to outdo whatever they're trying to do. It's great!

Good fun, I say. Next up: Michael Jonathon's WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour.

So, Debbie Merrill is this over-tan, over-energetic old chick who is always on inline skates and usually in a bikini, touting her healthy lifestyle. Her costume and set are always patriotic themed. She is a raw food vegan and believes rollerskating is the key to life. The show is just crazy. She shows viewers various rollerblade moves and has on hippie guests (who are usually decked out in patriotic garb as well). The guests are sometimes "musicians" (and I use that term loosely), yoga/meditation people, fellow vegans sharing meal ideas, and showgirls. The think is, Debbie is a total camera hog and is always skating in front of her guests, trying to outdo whatever they're trying to do. It's great!

Good fun, I say. Next up: Michael Jonathon's WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Friday is Good
I'm so tired, but want to update anyway. We had game night tonight. My sister, brother-in-law and two of my aunts came over. We did individual pizzas and everyone chose their own toppings. Yum. Then we played a new (to us) game, Apples to Apples. I sucked at it. Then we played our old standby, the gut-busting, tear-inducing Beyond Balderdash. Lots of fun! I had a virgin margarita. Well, let's call it a sorta-rita, since I found the normal 'rita to be way too tart. So Tony added some sugar and banana/orange/strawberry juice. Aren't I wild beyond belief?
We are finally - pausing to knock really hard on wood - relatively healthy!! Cam had 10 days of unexplained fevers and then they just stopped. He's still coughing and mucousy, but that's ok! I feel great. I stopped taking my antibiotics because I really feel I just had a bad virus and not strep. And I think Cam's pediatrician agrees, since we were both sick together. I am completely pleased to have normal-feeling tonsils once more. I never think of those suckers, but perhaps now each day I should thank (whomever) for my happy-feeling tonsils.
Tony, my main man, got the living room and hallway all painted nicely. Another step closer to ditching this house! I really hope someone will want to buy it. And for a good price. I hope the realtor doesn't laugh in our faces when he/she comes to check the place out. We've done so much to this house, but will it show? Has it been enough? We've replaced carpet throughout, painted much of the woodwork white (it was stained, but a really unattractive orangey color), replaced the linoleum floor with pergo-ish laminate, new counters in the kitchen, new appliances, both bathrooms have been redone (they were SO incredibly 1968), new front doors, chair rail in the dining room and in Luke's room, just lots of stuff. I really hope it's enough. I'm getting nervous.
Hey, on a whim, I suggested that Luke sleep in his big boy bed in Cam's room last night (Cam's room has Cam's twin bed and his old toddler bed in it). Lukey slept all night in his toddler bed! And he took his first nap today in there, too! It was kind of short, though. Since we were getting ready for game night and really needed a good long nap out of him, we put him down in his crib for the second nap. And we put him down for the night in his crib, too, since we had people here. But I think tomorrow night, we'll do the toddler bed again and see if we can make a habit of it.
I'm reading again! I haven't read one nonbaby-related book this year. Last night, I cracked open Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut. I am pretty much over Sudoku, and although I don't need another obsession to take up my time (time that could be spent cleaning, doing laundry, ebaying, etc) I'm pretty happy to be losing myself in a book again.
I can't believe it's April already. Crazy! I'm 31 weeks preggo today. Claire will be here in less than 2 months! Ack! Nobody seems to understand her middle name. Not that anyone should "understand" it....we just chose it because we like it. But everyone gives us the blankest stare when they hear what it is. They want to connect some significance to it. They want it to be less unusual. Is it wrong that other people's discomfort about it actually makes me happy? It really amuses me, and I'm so glad we made this choice. Freak much?
We are finally - pausing to knock really hard on wood - relatively healthy!! Cam had 10 days of unexplained fevers and then they just stopped. He's still coughing and mucousy, but that's ok! I feel great. I stopped taking my antibiotics because I really feel I just had a bad virus and not strep. And I think Cam's pediatrician agrees, since we were both sick together. I am completely pleased to have normal-feeling tonsils once more. I never think of those suckers, but perhaps now each day I should thank (whomever) for my happy-feeling tonsils.
Tony, my main man, got the living room and hallway all painted nicely. Another step closer to ditching this house! I really hope someone will want to buy it. And for a good price. I hope the realtor doesn't laugh in our faces when he/she comes to check the place out. We've done so much to this house, but will it show? Has it been enough? We've replaced carpet throughout, painted much of the woodwork white (it was stained, but a really unattractive orangey color), replaced the linoleum floor with pergo-ish laminate, new counters in the kitchen, new appliances, both bathrooms have been redone (they were SO incredibly 1968), new front doors, chair rail in the dining room and in Luke's room, just lots of stuff. I really hope it's enough. I'm getting nervous.
Hey, on a whim, I suggested that Luke sleep in his big boy bed in Cam's room last night (Cam's room has Cam's twin bed and his old toddler bed in it). Lukey slept all night in his toddler bed! And he took his first nap today in there, too! It was kind of short, though. Since we were getting ready for game night and really needed a good long nap out of him, we put him down in his crib for the second nap. And we put him down for the night in his crib, too, since we had people here. But I think tomorrow night, we'll do the toddler bed again and see if we can make a habit of it.
I'm reading again! I haven't read one nonbaby-related book this year. Last night, I cracked open Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut. I am pretty much over Sudoku, and although I don't need another obsession to take up my time (time that could be spent cleaning, doing laundry, ebaying, etc) I'm pretty happy to be losing myself in a book again.
I can't believe it's April already. Crazy! I'm 31 weeks preggo today. Claire will be here in less than 2 months! Ack! Nobody seems to understand her middle name. Not that anyone should "understand" it....we just chose it because we like it. But everyone gives us the blankest stare when they hear what it is. They want to connect some significance to it. They want it to be less unusual. Is it wrong that other people's discomfort about it actually makes me happy? It really amuses me, and I'm so glad we made this choice. Freak much?
Monday, April 2, 2007
Put on a mask before reading
I am feeling better! I guess the multitudes of medications started kicking in yesterday, because I see like a 70% improvement. Cam, on the other hand, is still having fevers. I took him to the pediatrician last Wednesday. They did a rapid strep test and an influenza test - both negative. They sent a throat culture off for further examination. And we got to go to Children's outpatient lab for bloodwork and chest xrays. Both of those tests were normal. I called this morning to see if the culture results were in yet, since he's still sick. Actually, he's acting decent and hasn't has a fever yet today, but the morning is young. We put him to bed with a fever last night. Ugh. I just want him to be well.
With this renewed sense of wellness about me, I think I will actually clean the living room really well while I wait for the pediatrician to call back with the results (hopefully).
With this renewed sense of wellness about me, I think I will actually clean the living room really well while I wait for the pediatrician to call back with the results (hopefully).