Monday, December 31, 2007

Friday, November 10, 2006

It's a blog! By me!

So, ok. I used to tell my blog everything, but now I suck. For some reason, I'm just not compelled to blog like I used to be. And I'm blogging now because I have nothing else to do. Well, I have lots to do...I just can't do it right now. Cameron's sleeping in my room, where all of the dirty laundry is, so I can't do laundry. I could get a shower, but I'm afraid I'd wake him up (since the bathroom is right next to my bedroom, and you can hear the shower running really loudly since the door isn't attached to the half bath in the bedroom, because Tony is working on it). Wow. Longest Sentence Ever! OK, I could unload the dishwasher, but that's men's work, and I'm just not into it. ;)

Both boys are sick. And I mean SICK. Cam's over his fever, but has a crap of the world cold, complete with a monster cough. Luke's got the fever still, plus the cold, and it's really getting him down. Thank GOD I feel fine, so far. (did I just jinx myself?) I'm horribly frustrated with all the sickness going around our house. I just want my family to be healthy, I want Cam to attend school, and I want my little guy to not be whiney and clingy (well, no more than usual).

On the pregnancy front, I think I'm feeling better! I'm 10 weeks, and have my appetite back. I didn't puke at all yesterday, and the nausea seems to be diminishing. I really hope it's a turning point! Other than the nausea, I don't feel very pregnant at all. I still fit into my smallest jeans (which aren't that small, but what can I say). No sore boobage or anything like that. I did have a sharp pain in my pelvic area this morning, though. My next appointment is November 28, and I'm sure we'll get to hear the heartbeat on the doppler then.

I currently have lots of pimples on my face.

I went to Chicago last weekend to see 17 of my message board friends. It was AWESOME! I had a great time, and it was just the get-away I needed. It's amazing how relaxing it was - everyone just clicked and the conversations flowed easily. I mean, we HAVE known each other for like 4 years now, so I shouldn't be surprised.

In concert news, only 7 more days until the Cincinnati BNL show. Not only am I looking forward to the concert, but it's a great opportunity for Tony and I to have some alone time. When we went to Columbus, we stopped at Wendy's to eat on the way up, and it was just nice to sit and eat together and talk. And it was only Wendy's! It just goes to show how little together-time we've gotten in the last year. The kids are ALWAYS with us. So, I hope to have a nice dinner out with T before the concert.

OK, I've decided to bite the bullet and take a bath. My hairy legs are really bothering me. I think I just accidentally exfoliated the top of my foot as I pulled it out from under me, so the porcupine quills have got to go. Hopefully C-note won't wake, and I'm hoping even harder that Luke stays asleep.

- Posted @ 11/10/2006 11:03:02 AM

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