Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stuff I put in my mouth, Day 1

Well, I started out pretty well, then by the end totally fell flat on my face. But I'm not giving up.

First I had a generic CapriSun juice box thing. That was before I decided to eat "right." I was thirsty.

Then I had a bunch of black coffee.

A reasonable amount of grapes.

Roasted turkey breast on a wheat tortilla with a teaspoon of ranch dressing. Not lowfat, which I normally get, but full fat since that's all I had.

When I was cutting up veggies for the kids' lunches, I had random bits of bell peppers, cucumbers, as well as 1/4 of a cutie.


Crystal Light.

Then dinner happened, and I totally effed up. I had like 3 baked chicken tender things (breast meat, only smaller than a full-sized breast). Like 7 (yes, seven) asparagus stemmy things, two servings of mashed potatoes, and a biscuit. And a glass of white wine. I felt like crap after.

But wait there's more: I already felt like crap, so I joined the kids and ate a pudding pop. Man, was that good. Listen, I'm not usually a sweets freak, and would have normally forgone the pudding pop. Geeze.

Anyway, I'm back on track. I know I need to eat more smaller meals. Sigh.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with what you ate. Maybe I'm way out of touch on the dieting front...