Monday, May 21, 2012

Blogging out loud

I've been talking to myself a lot this morning.  I figured I'd share my conversation with you...cause you never know what snippets of thought could benefit others.

I am very thankful, I told myself, for many inventions.  Some of them are:  Scrubbing Bubbles, toothpaste, flushable wipes, soap, Lysol, hangers, ziplock bags, cutting boards, nail clippers, vinegar, paper towels.

I got all clean-y focused today.  I took out the trash, did six loads of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned the tub/shower, cut up a buncha fruit and veg for kid lunches/breakfasts this week....and the day is young.

In the midst of folding towels, I realized I forgot I was going to try folding them a different way...for maximum linen closet utilization.  I called myself a moron.

You may wonder why I have so much laundry to do.  I have three kids, I refuse to wear shirts more than once, and someone in my home has bedtime accidents from time to time.  Which is fine and ok and doesn't upset me in the least...just gets expensive with the laundry.

If you haven't introduced your kids to sugar snap peas, you really should.  They are like freaking nature candy!

I told myself earlier that I am getting so much better at making fried eggs!

I have these Nice Hand Towels.  I bought them when we moved into the dream house, for the guest bathroom.  Because I think a guest bathroom should have Nice Hand Towels.  When I moved into my apartment, I never put out the Nice Hand Towels.  One, I never had guests, and two, the are Nice.  Then I figured out, hey! dumbass!  what is the point of having nice stuff if it's just going to sit in the linen closet?  So now I use the Nice Hand Towels like twice a week!  Guests or not!  They are soft and sort of luxurious and very absorbent.  They're still The Nice Ones, and I still make sure they're the ones any guests are exposed to, but it feels nice to not place such a limit on them.

I have been reading frugal penny-pinching sites, and I just don't get it.  Who in the world can spend $50/week on groceries + toiletries and paper products for one person, let alone a family of five or more??  Are my needs so extravagant?  Over the top?  I buy tons of generics....this is something I'm going to have to delve into here soon.  But right now, it's downright depressing to think of budgeting.  But, coming soon....

Now I'm telling myself I need to end this post.

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