Monday, November 28, 2011

It has Hollywood written all over it

I want to write a screenplay where a chick who is a meteorologist has two guys in her life:  Guy #1 is also a meteorologist and is a lot like her.  They get along great, have good times - but he is distant, so not quite right for her.  Then Guy #2, the aircraft mechanic, is a lot different from her and not typically her type, but they have explosive chemistry and passion and he shows her great amounts of affection.  But they don't have much else in common, so he's not quite right for her, either.  So, she sets out to invent the perfect man for her IN ROBOT FORM.  Because you know that's never been done before in film.  So, she works day and night, perfecting the formula for her perfect manbot, tracking down parts, tools, and experts to assemble this thing.  It finally comes together and her perfect man is finished.  Except she doesn't like him!  He's too giving and smothery - not to mention mechanical - and she is devastated.  And then...lo and behold...she meets a real human-man who is completely different from Guy #1, Guy #2 or The Manbot!  And HE is perfect for her.  And they live happily ever after.  Think it would sell?


Anonymous said...

I'd watch it! :)

Julie said...

I think any movies about meteorologists are automatic blockbusters.

Melzer said...

@Julie - which is exactly why I chose that as her profession. I'm not sure what the third guy should do for a living...maybe marine biologist or something.