My Google job has been going well. Plugging away, getting my minimum hours in. It's been two weeks so far. I got my first paycheck in almost 5 years Saturday! It felt awesome. I'm contributing to our family's income again. It really does give me a a sense of value or something.
My girl is sick again. She has a high fever, seems to have the pink eye back, is all mucous-y and is just pathetic. Poor thing, she wants to play and be happy so badly, but is just so puny. Luckily, we have eye drops leftover from the last bout of pink eye. I hope she gets mucho better soon - her 12 month portrait sitting is this Thursday.
Tony is off work all week, so we have plans to tackle lots of projects. He and the boys are at Home Depot right now getting painting supplies for the kitchen. Yay!
I'm still not caught back up on laundry and really haven't gotten back into full swing of my housework schedule since our week of sickness. Plus, with all the Google work, it makes it hard. I guess I have to find a new balance. But I really liked how things were going when I was in my cleaning frenzy.
Speaking of Google. The other night, Luke wanted me to do something, and Tony told him I had to work, so couldn't. Luke said, "Does Mom have to Google?" Pretty cute. Actually, a lot cuter in person. No one ever called me a storyteller!
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