Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More, more, more

Took Claire Bear to the pediatrician this morning...her fever has been pretty high, and she's just so miserable. Ear infection. Don't know if it's still the old one from a couple of weeks ago, or a new one. Either way, she's on Augmentin. I hope that stuff treats her well and doesn't give her major diarrhea!

Tony and I painted the kitchen/dining area yesterday. I hate the color! It looks like some green minty/milky medicine from my childhood. Like, in certain light, it looks ok. But in other parts of the room, it's disgusting. We have a gallon left over Tony and Cam had eye doctor visits and are now at Home Depot with the extra can of paint to see what they can add to it to make it look bearable. I mean, the wall color looks so bad that I told Tony to go ahead and spend the money on a whole new gallon if need be. That's pretty bad!

Am I getting allergies? The outside of my nose is itching like crazy today. Like the outer-nostril area, if that makes sense. And I'm sniffly. Tony says his allergies are really bad this year, and poor Cam seems to be suffering. I don't want to have to turn the A/C on, so I hope the pollen or whatever calms down soon.

Aidos, time to Google.

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