Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thumbs up

I'm feeling really good about my state of mind lately! I think the Cymbalta is working well. Tony noticed changes in me way before I did, but I think I was just too bogged down by the myriad of side-effects I was experiencing for like the first 3 weeks of being on the meds. Then, magically, they mostly disappeared, and I feel great! The little things that majorly got on my nerves before don't even really bother me now. Like if the little kids are napping, and Cam drops something and makes a giant noise, I just think, "Cam dropped something." Where before, I was like, "What the hell! That awful noise is going to wake the kids and it'll be the end of the world! What are you thinking!?" I just have a better attitude now. I really don't feel angry at all. Not that I'm all sunshine and rainbows or anything. I just feel a lot more even. I still get frustrated with the kids, but I'm a lot more patient about things and don't feel resentful toward them.

And, I have a lot more energy and drive to get things done. Laundry, cleaning, stuff like that. It's crazy!

The absolute worst thing about being on the Cymbalta, and I'm sure you can guess this, is the CONSTIPATION. It sucks. I'm eliminating, but I really don't care for stool softener-induced bowel movements. I'm trying to up my fiber, and am taking Benefiber, but I don't know if that's helping.

I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor Tuesday, and I'll definitely be discussing the constipation with her.

So, that's me in a nutshell lately. I hope I stay this way (minus the stop-uppage)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear it is working well for you Melzer. Good luck with everything.