Saturday, February 9, 2008

F-ing A

We watched Knocked Up last night. I thought it was really cute! Way better than 40 Year Old Virgin, which everybody and their mother seemed to rave about, but I found to be relatively boring. Both have Seth Rogan in them, and he's pretty funny...I like his delivery. Actually, lots of people are in both movies. It's like the 80's "brat pack" all over again. Except everybody's not 20. I do have one gripe: why is 'fuck' used so liberally in comedies nowadays? I mean, come on...I think they say some form of 'fuck' like 75 times in Knocked Up. And I don't feel that I'm that conservative when it comes to cussing. I, myself, have an accomplished potty mouth. But I think a 'fuck' dropped here and there - sparingly - is much more effective than f-bomb triads by each and every character every ten minutes. Ok, how old do I sound!?


Genevieve said...

Mel, I feel the same way. I watched the first 10 minutes of 40-year-old Virgin and I hated it. I couldn't sit there and watch the whole stupid thing. It's like they can't be creative enough to think of other things to say?
We watched "Hot Fuzz" last night. It was pretty different. I enjoyed most of it. It's not your typical average comedy. lol

the Dolan Girls said...

I loved 40 year old virgin but loved Knocked Up even more. I told Ry that Seth Rogan is my new favorite actor, he just cracks me up. And while I try not to use the f word too often, the number of times it was used in Knocked Up made me laugh every time. :)