Monday, December 31, 2007

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Need I say more?

Monday, November 28, 2005


It always rains when we go to the pediatrician.

A Chicken McNugget Happy Meal comes with four McNuggets. Cameron got SIX in his Happy Meal today. He ate four. Although he took a bite out of all six.

My favorite soft drink is Dr. Pepper. Why is it that I can't open a bottle of my favorite soft drink without it exploding on me? There's a subtle art to opening a bottle of Pepper. It's like extra-carbonated or something. Tony says the extra carbonation makes it extra good. I think he's fibbing since he hates Pepper.

I never thought I'd be taking The Pill and prenatal vitamins at the same time. It's like Yin and Yang. Or something like that!


Uggabugga. The lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me! It's not like I'm up a zillion times a night anymore. On paper, my nights look awfully good, really. Most nights, I put Luke down between 10 - 10:30 and I hit the sack right away. Then he'll wake up between 2:30 - 3:30 and we'll nurse, change diaper(s), rock to sleep for about an hour. Then he'll wake back up anywhere from 5:30 - 6:30 and we're up for the day, since Cam is now getting up around 6:30 - 7:00. So, that doesn't sound so bad, but I'm really starting to feel exhausted, like I'm actually getting no sleep at all. Strange. I don't think it's just the sleep, but nursing and being at Luke's beck and call 24 hours a day contributes to it. It's just a little draining.

So, the thrush issue is status quo and we've used up all the Nystatin. We have an appointment with the pediatrician at 1:40 today. I just feel that it will be best to talk with her face-to-face about the treatments, etc. Watch, she'll tell me he doesn't have thrush at all or something! I know that won't be the case, though, because Luke is definitely agitated at the breast. Like, he'll eagerly latch and suck for a few minutes, then pull away and thrash around and act like he wants to go back on, but then he'll hesitate before he latches again. I feel so bad for the little man! I just want him to be pain-free. (and me, too)

Our new carpet is being installed tomorrow! Which means I have a lot of work to do today. I need to get all the knick-knacks off the furniture, rid entertainment center of cds, tapes, dvds and playstation games, clear Cam's room of toys, etc. I'm really excited about the carpet. I am SO over these damn hardwood floors. If Cam slips and falls one more time, I'm going to take a sledgehammer to them. OK, that's extreme. I'll just stew and pout, more like.

We're having pictures done at The Picture People on December 9th. It's mainly for Luke's 2-month pics, but we plan to have a family picture taken, as well.  I hope we can get some good shots out of the deal. I'm pretty sure we will. They do a great job at our Picture People, in my opinion. The only drawback is that they are pricey as all get out! I'll probably have Luke's other first-year pictures taken at Penney's. We'll see.

Alright, off to clear some more stuff out of the living room.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The fungus among us

This thrush stuff kind of sucks. I mean, it's not horrid or anything - at least from my perspective...who knows how much pain it's causing Luke - but it's just another pain in the ass. I have to swab this stuff called Nystatin all over the inside of Luke's mouth after each feeding (of course, he hates having his mouth probed and tells me so like every time) and then have him drink the rest of the dose (which he doesn't mind so much...he seems to like drinking from a cup). Then I have to "wash" my nips with a white vinegar/water mixture, and then put Lotrimin cream on them. All after each lovin' feeding! And he eats a lot!

So the worst part is...I've done a lot of researching thrush on the internet and some friends have shared their experiences with me and guess what? This shit can be really hard to get rid of! Apparently, the regimen we're doing now is kind of a "lightweight" treatment and doesn't work for everybody. Yay! So, we're going to look for this stuff called acidophilus, which is a powder form of the normal, friendly bacteria that live in our intestines and keep yeast in check. Hey, anything that will help. I just hope it doesn't take weeks/months to fix this. I mean, I'll stop nursing if I have to, but I really don't want to at all. Aside from the pain, it is going really well. And the pain isn't even that terrible, at least on my side.

In non-lactation news, it's snowing! Big fluffy fakes! They're only covering the grass and cars, though. Still, it's cool to look out the window and see it. Winter is pretty neat, at first anyway. Hey, it's not Winter yet. Oh well, it's acting like it is.

I'm starving hungry lately. I just can't get enough to eat. I'm even contemplating eating Spaghetti-o's, and that crap is gross! We don't have much to eat in the casa. I wish we had grocery delivery around here. I'd be all over that.

OK, I need to get the chicken and dumplings in the crockpot. Over and out.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Lucas is a fun guy (fungi)

Had my appointment with the lactation consultant today. There's a reason for the pain, and it's not Luke's latch at all! We have thrush!! I am so happy! Well, not that we're all fungus-y, but that I wasn't doing anything wrong and I'm not crazy or wimpy or like inadequate and stuff!! I can't wait to get us all medicated and for the healing to begin. Imagine - a world where you don't have to lube up with Lansinoh after each and every stinkin' feeding!

In case you're unfamiliar with thrush....

Friday, November 18, 2005


Ha ha. I never thought I'd say stuff like this, but here's a sample of my daily conversations:

"Aren't those Carter's sleepers just THE BEST?"

"How was his diaper? Was it poopy?"

"Do you want a peanie-butter and jelly sandwich with your box juice?"

"Ooh! I got a good booger out of your nose that time!"

"Can you hold him while I fix my boob?"

More to come, I'm sure!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bi-polar Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding....I love it. I hate it.

Some days, I just want my body for myself, know what I mean? Like, I just want not to be touched for like 3 hours straight. I find that my mood totally dictates how I feel about breastfeeding. If I'm relatively un-tired and un-aggravated, I feel fine about it. But around 8pm, when I'm dead tired, exhausted and really irritable, I can't stand nursing! Honestly, I consider quitting nursing most every night around that time! But by the time the first night feeding rolls around (after I've gotten a few hours of sleep), I think nursing is wonderful again. Crazy!

Still on the topic of's still hurting. My nipples are still sore and if I don't use Lansinoh after each and every nursing, they are REALLY sore. So, I just called the lactation consultant office at the hospital and left them a message. I guess perhaps Luke's latch isn't as great as I thought it was. Anyway, if I can go in sometime next week and work on his latch with the LC, that would be awesome. Jan is off work all next week and I'll ask her to watch Cameron. If it all works out my way, that is.

Obviously, Luke is gaining weight very well (his weight has increased by 44.69% since birth), so he's getting lots of milk. But still, I feel like such a novice when it comes to feeding my baby! Makes me feel kinda inadequate. I mean, normal people are able to feed their kids without it hurting and without wishy-washy "I love it, I hate it" feelings about the whole deal. Blah! I am such a freak!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Done with Docs...for a while, anyway

Luke had his 1-month pediatrician appointment Monday. The big news? He's got an ear infection! Surprise there! Perhaps that's the reason for his fussiness, rather than just his temperament? We'll see! He's on amoxicillin, which he loves in a big way. He practically sucks it down like it's milk! We've given it to him with a syringe and with the measuring spoon thing the pharmacy gives you and he's done well with both.

Other than the ear infection, things checked out just perfectly with Lukey.
Weight = 11 lbs. 10.5 oz, 90th percentile (he was 8 lbs at birth)
Length = 23 inches, 90-95th percentile (he was 20.5 inches at birth)
Head = 15 inches, 50th percentile (not sure of head measurement at birth)

OK, so he's growing like crazy! Yay! I'm surprised he's so honkin' high in the percentiles, since most of his 0-3 month clothes are still majorly big on him! It's wild.

Yesterday was my 6-week (5-week, really) postpartum OB appointment and (surprise) another incision check. The pap smear was just lovely. No, seriously, everything looks good and the incision is well on its way now. I don't have to go back next week, so that's a big improvement! In fact, I don't go back for another year - woohoo!!! I got a prescription for the progesterone-only mini-pill (since the regular combination pill isn't good for nursing). I'm hoping there is a generic for it...otherwise, insurance won't give me a discount. Not that I'm even thinking about things that require contraception at this point, though!

So, like, no more doctor's appointments for the rest of the month...can you believe it?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

About last night...

Chicken Little was awesome last night! Cam was perfect though the entire movie! And he paid attention and everything. I must still be a hormonal freak because I cried during the movie. It's really cute, but one of the underlying themes is kinda sad. A cool film - four thumbs up from C-note and me! We had an excellent time eating buttered popcorn and Sierra Mist (which Cam called "Mom's tea"). I can't wait to take Cam to his next movie.

Luke slept most of the time we were away. When he was awake, though, he was either eating the milk I pumped (plus two more ounces of formula, piggy) or screaming his head off. Blah. Poor Tony. When I got home, Luke's face was bright red from the crying. I feel like my breastfeeding is keeping Luke from trusting Tony or something. As soon as I picked him up, he calmed down. That's gotta make Tony feel like shit. Kind of frustrating, there.

Tomorrow's the big one-month check up from Luke. I'd better start making a list of questions and concerns. Off to do that, and to check out prices on bouncy seats, since ours is apparently broken.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


OK, so, we had carpet and wanted hardwood. Now we have hardwood and want carpet. Alright, it's not that cut and dry, but it's still kinda funny. The carpet we had was shit. Maybe the carpet wasn't so much shit, but the way it was installed certainly was. It was a basic plush. And where they put the seams was terrible. And the seams were totally coming up. It was really too light for us, know with two dogs and a toddler and whatnot. So, we pulled up the carpet in the living room and hall. The hardwood under is in decent condition, although it could use a refinishing and quarter round. Oh and new thresholds. Only thing is, we hate having hardwood now! Cam keeps slipping and falling down. The furniture won't stay still. The dogs keep skidding all over it. And it's LOUD! Loud as in noisy when we walk on it. Creaky. Dog toenails clicking up and down the hall all the time. Loud as in echo-y. I no longer care for the acoustics in here. So, we are getting carpet again. We ordered it today. Well, we didn't actually order it, since it is a warehouse that already has rolls of carpet. I guess you can say we reserved it. It's a "California berber", aka "short shag", aka "frieze". It's tan-ish with subtle specks in it. I think we (I, basically) chose well. It's being installed November 29, just in time for Christmas decorating!

Cameron and I are going on a date to see Chicken Little after his nap today! He's been to the movies with Daddy, but this will be my first time with the C-man. We're gonna get popcorn and have sugary drinks and hopefully enjoy the show. He's been talking about Chicken Little ever since they started showing promos for it. I hope he's well-behaved and we're able to stay the whole time. I also hope Lucas and Tony have a quiet time together while we're gone. Luke seems to only want to be soothed by me, so I'm hoping some extra bonding time with Daddy will help with that. The other night when Cam and I went to Kohl's for an hour or so, Luke screamed just about the entire time I was gone. Please, please - Little Man - get over that! Daddy has nice arms, too! And he's funnier than Mommy. (And he'll stand up and rock you back and forth you more than Mommy ever will!)

K, Maddox Out.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I have a cute family

Like, the first thing Cam asks when he gets up in the morning is "Ride in Mom and Dad's car?" The child wants to be on the go every day! Obviously, now that Luke's here, and since we want to try to keep from falling further in debt, that's not possible. We're thinking of looking into some kind of preschool or Mother's Day Out program a couple of days a week. That would get C out of the house and hopefully satisfy his need to socialize. If we can find something and if the price is right, that is. So far, I'm not having a lot of luck finding local stuff on the internet. I might just have to pull out the yellow pages and start making calls. Unless I can get lucky and one of my blog readers has a lead for me!

Let's talk about Luke. He's not Cam. He doesn't look terribly much like Cam (although I see a slight newborn-like resemblance) and he doesn't act like Cam did. Well, I mean they do have the eating/pooping/sleeping obsession in common, but that's about it. Cam was totally a laid-back newborn. Not to say that he didn't get upset or cry at times, but most of his awake time was pretty chill. With Luke, if he's not nursing or sleeping, he's pretty cranky. Unless he's being held. By me. And even then, he's apt to have a concerned look on his face. I kind of worry that he's not happy at all sometimes. The guy always (almost always) has a furrowed brow. He just seems kind of anxious. A totally different experience for us. And get this. I don't know if nursing is enough for him. We've given him a few formula bottles so when Cam and I went shopping the other night, or when I need a break and just need to get like 4 straight hours of sleep or something. Last night, before I went to bed, I nursed him on both breasts. It was a good, full nursing session, without him falling asleep or any distractions like that. He was the one who ended the session. He pulled away. Not two minutes later, he was fussing like crazy. No, not fussing, actually crying the "I'm starving" cry and rooting around on Tony. Tony fixed him a bottle to see what he would do and I went to bed. He ate all four ounces of formula! After a complete nursing! What the heck? So, I don't know what's going on there. He has his one-month check up on Monday so we'll see what Dr. Cahill has to say about that. He's been nursing fine today (and overnight last night) and seems satisfied afterward.

Nighttime is getting better with Luke, I think. The night before last, he slept 4 hours straight before waking to be fed, and then slept though until around 6:30, I believe (hard to remember). Last night was awesome, but the bottle of formula probably played a key part in that...he went down at 9:30pm and didn't wake to eat until 2:30! And then once more around 5:40. Whatever he decides is fine at this point - I just want it to be consistent. Waking up only once a night rocks the house, in my opinion. I'd settle for two nursings, if need be. Every two hours, though, is a little rough!

I had another incision check Tuesday. Things are healing ok now. We saw Dr. Hensley again and he said we're a good-looking family! How about that? I laughed and rolled my eyes, but secretly I really liked the comment. Our family of four is cute! Despite the Mom! Just kidding. Kind of. Anyway, the incision. So, Dr. H. rubbed something on the spot where the forgotten staple was to help it along. He used what looked like two long match sticks with yellowish-orangish-brownish gunk on the ends. He said it would sting, but it didn't. We were too busy chatting for me to actually think to ask what it was. My 6-week check up (and another incision check) is next Tuesday. I'll only be 5 weeks then, but that's when Dr. Lea said to schedule it. I look forward to seeing Dr. Hensley again, but not getting undressed and the pap smear. Yuck. Being a chick is hard.

So, both boys are asleep (for now). I think I'll attempt to get a shower. Luke screamed though most of my 6-minute shower yesterday. Not enjoyable.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Have you seen those Sylvan Learning Center commercials where the kids delight their mothers by bringing home a good report card as the result of their time spent at Sylvan? If you turn the sound down, I swear they could be dental ads instead. Check out all the perfect, clean, super-white teeth those actors have! It's ridiculous! I suppose you will not only get amazing grades if you are tutored at Sylvan - but you and your loved ones will attain lovely bright smiles as well! Sweet deal!

Monday, November 7, 2005

Poor White Us

Yeah, we're poor white trash. It's official. I was sitting here in my nursing bra the other day, when Tony asked, "is that a PAPER CLIP holding your bra together?" Why, yes, dear it is. My bargain Target nursing bra broke and I couldn't find the safety pins, so it was either a paper clip or duct tape! His response: we really are poor white trash! I couldn't really argue with that one....instead, I just adjusted my paper clip and went out to sit in the car on blocks in the front yard. ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

More challenges

Hey, guess what? Cam has a cold! And Lucas does, too! Yay! Not! My boys are all congested and snotty. Poor Cam has a fever that we are trying to keep down almost constantly. Cam didn't even want to put his lion costume on for Trick or Treat last night. We totally had to talk him into it and he just looked so pathetic. I'm hoping Luke gets over his cold quickly - I've never had an infant with a cold before. It's hard to hear him be so congested. Luckily, he has no fever or other problems. He's still eating well and acting normal, so we're cool there.

So, Tony was cleaning up my incision Sunday, when he noticed...are you ready for this....a staple! Yes, they left a staple in me. I was so pissed. I went back to the OB yesterday and had it removed. I thought it would really hurt, since some skin had started to grow around it, but it really didn't. And I couldn't stay mad, since the OB I saw was Dr. Hensley and he's my favorite. He was really apologetic and comforting. I felt bad, since it totally wasn't his fault. The area where the forgotten staple was hasn't healed as well as the rest of the incision (surprise), but it should start getting better now that the staple is gone. Dr. H said the infection probably wasn't cause by the staple, since they are rather inert. I go back next week so he can check to make sure the healing is progressing. So, a crappy situation ends up happy, but man! What a freaking pain!

I'm just ready to get back to normal. Well, my new normal, anyway. I want to be pain-free, not have to take antibiotics, not have to clean my wound all the time, freely walk up and down stairs, drive, do laundry, clean this place up. Stuff like that. And I'd just love it if my right nipple didn't scream in pain with each latch. I know they just need to get used to Luke and being abused, but sometimes I'm so impatient!

Luke is already 3 weeks old! I can hardly believe it. It's just amazing to me.

OK, must rescue Baby Luke from his bouncy seat. He's had enough of the calming vibrations, I take it.
- Posted @ 11/1/2005 10:06:23 AM

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