Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Cam went on his first hayride think he had fun?

Friday, October 28, 2005

2 kids

So, far, Cameron, Lucas and I have survived our first week on our own! Tony went back to work Monday and I wasn't looking forward to it! Things have gone relatively smoothly, though! It's nice to be back into some sort of routine with Cam....he's napped every day, except yesterday - I threw everything off by having to go to the OB for a surprise visit...more on that later. I've showered each day with no (ok, minimal) interruptions. Both kiddos seem just fine, but Cameron sure misses Daddy! He's uber-excited when Tony gets home in the evening.

I had to go to the OB yesterday because my incision is infected. It's been leaky ever since delivery, but the nurses/docs said it was fine. I thought it looked nasty at my 1-week incision check, but Dr. Lea said it was normal. I've just not been feeling right about it, though, and yesterday I took a look at it and though it was just gross-looking and smelled foul, so I gave the office a call and they wanted me to come in. Luckily, Tony was able to leave work and take us all to the doctor. I'm on an antibiotic and have to clean and dress the incision several times daily. Fun! Hard to do, since I can't see the wound without a mirror. Fortunately, Tony can do it all this weekend.

Luke is doing well. He mostly sleeps and eats, with short spurts of alert time. He loves to sleep for long stretches during the day (like up to 4 hours sometimes!), but his night-sleeping isn't as evolved. It's more like 2-3 hour stretches at night. Lately, though, he's been going right back down (mostly) after night nursings. That is a freaking relief! Staying up with him an hour after eating, endlessly trying to get him to go back to bed, really sucks. He eats really well...he's a vigorous sucker, though. His latch is like a vice grip, so needless to say, my nips are sore a lot. He wants to be sucking all the time, but can't quite get his own thumb or fingers in to soothe himself yet. He just tries to stick his entire hand in there and gets really pissed off! Nor will he take a pacifier (not willingly, anyway). He will be soothed by my little finger, but by no one else's. It'll get better, I know.

Cameron is doing well with the changes at home. He wants to hold Luke a lot. He's more than willing to alert you (with great concern, too) when the baby is crying (as if you couldn't hear it yourself!) He likes to help with diaper changes, too. C's shown a couple of signs of jealousy or aggression or something, though....and it usually comes via his stuffed dog, Baby. Like, Baby will "hit" Baby Luke or will get thrown at Luke really hard. We're working on it with Cam (and Baby, of course). And once, Cam shoved his fingers in Luke's mouth for no apparent reason. Oy. Despite these lovely moments, Cam really seems to like having Luke around. The other night, Tony and Cameron went to the store and at the checkout, C told Tony he wanted to go home and see Baby Wook and Mommy. How sweet is that?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

CMM vs. LJM, Part 3

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Cam vs. Luke, Part 2!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cam vs. Luke, Part 1

Monday, October 17, 2005

Life with Lucas

We are all pretty tired these days! I can barely function. I mean, I feel like I am high as a kite as I type this. Luke likes to sleep most of the day and party most of the night! It's really hard for me, since his idea of a good party is constant nursing!

Wow, it's hard to concentrate on what I even need to say in this entry! So it might be a little discombobulated. Is that a word?

My incision is still mucho sore and leaky. Since we left the hospital a day early, we qualified to have a home health nurse come out and see us Saturday. She said the incision is looking good still and that the leakage appears to be normal. I sure hope so. I have an appointment with my OB this afternoon to have the staples removed. I'm totally going to ask for more Percocet. I only have 4 pills left, and I haven't even been taking them on a regular basis. Instead, I've been alternating with ibuporphen. Anyway, I'm still ultra-sore.

Oh Lord, I had my first post-delivery bowel movement this morning. Let's just say - it wasn't pretty and I was in there for a looooong time. At least that's out of the way.

My boobs are sore. Especially the right one. The swelling from the engorgement hasn't receded yet, but the real pain is that it feels like the end of my right nipple is on fire. I am not sure why. Luke has an awesome latch. He doesn't even have much trouble when my breasts are really full, either. I'm just slathering on the Lansinoh and praying that it heals quickly.

I know I need to post an official birth story, but I need to get my head a lot clearer before I do that. For now, though, I'll share some stats and early pictures:

Lucas Joseph Maddox
Born Tuesday, October 11, 2005 @ 7:54am
8 pounds, .09 ounces
20.5 inches
Apgars: 9, 9

So far, dark hair and dark blue eyes (both subject to change, of course!)

More to come!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ho Down, Boot Scoot Comparison

Here I am, in the famous super-cool denim overalls, first the night before I had Cam & then the night before I have Luke...what it tells you, I don't know. I was hoping I'd look so much smaller in tonight's picture but, to tell the truth, there's not much difference! Oh well, giddyup, anyway.

June 29, 2003

October 10, 2005

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Stomach vs. Heart

Hello, I'm Melanie's stomach. The rest of her body will be along shortly.

So, Friday night, Tony and I went on a date to dinner all by ourselves. Three people asked me when I am due. I never know what to I tell them my due date, or the date the baby will be here, or is it really any of their business anyway? They're just making small talk, I know, so I just chose to tell all three October 21 and leave it at that. So, it was odd that three people all asked that in like an hour and a half.

Enter last night. We all needed to get out of the house. Cam was begging to go "car, bye-bye" all day and was having fit after fit. Tony was freaking out about cleaning the basement and I was an emotional mess, crying at every turn. So we decided to go to Old Spaghetti Factory. I'm glad we did - it was great for all three of us and we had a lovely time. Except, our server was kind of weird. She asked me when I am due and this time, I decided to say "October 21, but I'm having him Tuesday." She said, "oh, are they inducing you because you're so big??" OH. MY. GOD! She really said that. I really didn't think I was that big! I was much larger with Cameron. Anyway.

Bye from The Belly.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

Pain for Pain

Sleeping sucks these days. Yep, bedtime used to be my favorite time of the day. Now I just can't get comfortable. Both of my hips feel bruised and sore. Sleeping on either side kills me, so I end up flipping over 78 times a night. And if I try to sleep on my back, that's torture. I mean, it feels ok while I am perfectly still, but once I try to budge an inch, my sciatic nerve pain is awful. It's like a major effort to move from back to side.

So, needless to say, I'm looking forward to having this baby to alleviate the physical pain pregnancy is causing. Not that it won't be replaced with other fun pain! Argh, incision pain, gas & bloating from the surgery. All that lovely postpartum bleeding (not that it's painful - just a pain!) Sleepless nights. Cloudy mind. Yay!

But at least my heartburn will go away, my bladder will feel normal again and this insane pubic/pelvic/whatever pressure will be a distant memory. Let's hope.

At least the swelling hasn't been too bad this time around. With Cam, I was such a balloon! I could barely wear shoes! I looked like a Flintstone. Monday, I'm going to take some pictures similar to the ones we took the night before I was induced with Cameron. Hopefully, they'll show a marked difference. I'm going to try to wear the same ugly denim overalls I wore for those pictures. The overalls were the only thing that fit at 41 weeks with Cam! So, anyway, look for comparisons Monday night.

Alright, time to change C-note's poopy diaper. He was walking around the house, bending down, squatting down and every time I'd look at him, he'd shake his head and say "uh-uh." Like, Mom, don't look at me while I'm crapping!

Friday, October 7, 2005

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil - why do I watch this show? He really bothers me. Like, just looking at the guy makes me feel all icky. I know it's mean, but he's one ugly doctah! And his voice! Grates on me! And most importantly, I hate the way his guest area is set up! Ok, so he's a tall guy. So his couches are like higher than average. Fine. But the guest couch has to have a foot stool platform thing so the guests' feet touch! It looks so tacky! My suggestion: fine, Dr. Ugly (I mean Dr. Phil)...keep your couch high, but then make the guests' couch a normal height! It would look fine. Jeez. Really. Am I the only one this bothers?

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

One Week

OK, so quick update: I have a c-section scheduled for Tuesday, October 11 at 7:30 am. Should I go into labor before then, we will try for a VBAC. Otherwise, Lucas will be here in less than a week! Scrambling around, trying to find sitters for Cameron for the 3.5 - 4 days I'll be in the hospital. It's a pain in the ass already! OK, I'll not complain about others when I'm the one begging for favors. Anyway. Lots to do, but I'll try to update more soon!
- Posted @ 10/4/2005 11:06:26 PM

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