Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Attention: Slow Drivers
So, here's the story. If you're a Slow Driver, that's fine. Just get the hell over into the right lane. If you're unsure about what kind of Driver you are, please take a few seconds to observe. If vehicles on both sides of you are rushing past and getting in front of you, it's pretty safe to assume you fall into the Slow Driver category. If one (or both) of the vehicles passing you is an 18-wheeler semi hauling 50,000 pounds of goods, then, yeah - you most definitely need to reside solely in that right lane. But watch out for mergers, please.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tonight, while the kids and I were driving home from my mom's (and from Dairy Queen), I got the hiccups. Luke thought it was hilarious and laughed so hard that he got the hiccups, too. And you thought they weren't contagious!
Friday, September 14, 2007
What's so funny?
If you can get past my annoying voice, here's a cute video of Claire:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Beautiful Claire

Our Family

My flab and boob girth


Our Family

My flab and boob girth
