Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Now we're the eyesores?

We're pretty certain our neighbors on the right hate us. They like never talk to us, especially the husband. They just planted saplings along our front yard and in the back along the fence to presumably block the view of our patio! And I thought we were quiet, relatively normal people. Oh well. I wonder if the trees will eventually block the glare from his bald head? Not to mention the disgustingness of his chest and gut when he mows the lawn shirtless.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Here we are!

Howdy! Guess what? I now have a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 4.5-month-old! Lukey turned two last week. We had his birthday party Saturday, despite the fact that both he and Cam were sick. They had so much fun. The party was a tad more laid-back than usual. Not that it's normally a formal occasion...but this time we told folks not to bring gifts (although not many people adhered to that!) and we didn't buy a bakery cake. The result: not as much STUFF - no giant, outrageous presents. Mostly books, snacks, a couple of small toys, a couple of outfits and some $$ from the grandparents. Perfect! And, we had a yummy homemade (well, from the box anyway), inexpensive cake. No one eats much cake anyway. We also had less food, but we can do even better at paring the eats down next time. Great party. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I know that kids played hard, so that's a good sign. And I promised to do thank you cards, so I really, really am going to this time. (I usually suck)

Luke and Claire had their 2-year and 4-month check-ups last week, too. Both are doing fabulously! And both are huge. Luke weighs 32 pounds, 14.5 ounces (93rd percentile) and is 37 inches tall (above the 95th percentile). Claire Bear weighs 19 pounds, 8.5 ounces (above the 95th) and is 26.5 inches (above the 95th). She hated her immunizations, but how can you expect her not to?

Speaking of Claire, call me hormonal, but I've been so sentimental lately. I mean, when I found out I was expecting last October, I was shocked...scared...freaked out...upset...insane. Luke was SUCH a hard baby and wasn't even sleeping well at night at that point. I was stressed out, sleep deprived, still nursing, borderline depressed. But now - now, I can't imagine it happening any other way. I am so far away from those first feelings now. I can't imagine me NOT being pregnant this year, not having our little girl right now. She's a joy! She's so sweet. And the nature totally blessed us and her with a temperament that we can handle perfectly in our household. She's not a breeze like Cam was, but not anywhere near as needy as Luke was. She's right in the middle and I'll take that! She's sleeps like a dream, and has since before her second month. Yeah, I was a little crazy and overly-hormonal for about a month after she was born (hey, I'd just had a baby AND we moved!) but I don't feel depressed at all. I'm tired, but getting sleep at night. I'm not nearly as stressed and out-of-control as I was a year ago. I just feel like I'm in such a better place, overall. And that rocks!

And, on that note, I'm off to make lunch for Cam, who's "belly is STARVING!"

Friday, October 5, 2007


OK, all three kids are napping. I've showered, and I desperately need to work on updating my check register. I did a few entries and, BAM! My bank's internet banking goes down. Temporarily unavailable, huh? And yes, I AM inconvenienced. How would you like it, Fifth Third Bank, if my car payment was temporarily unavailable? Fuckers. Do they KNOW how difficult it is to get three kids under 5 napping simultaneously? Seriously.
- Posted @ 10/5/2007 2:47:15 PM

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