Monday, December 31, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Claire Alden's Birth Story +

Not that it's much of an exciting story, since it was a planned c-section and all, but you guys totally deserve the details, you know?

So, I was in miserable pain leading up to May 29th...nothing tragic, just your run-of-the-mill crippling sciatic nerve pain, near blacking out every time Claire moved her foot across my uterus or punched my bladder with her little fists of fury, cranky hormonal fits of rage coming from nowhere...that kind of junk. We went to the hospital a little before 8am, sat for a little while in the Women's Outpatient area, then I was finally called back to be prepped. 45 needle sticks later, I had my IV in (big ordeal, 3 people tried to get it to work and finally they had to call a doctor to do it) and was ready to go. It was a long took them quite a while to get through all my scar tissue, and then when she was born, Claire reached her little hand up and tore my incision, which caused an artery to bleed (read: squirt out blood which landed on all the surgical people!). They were able to control the bleeding easily, but it took some extra stitches to repair, which took quite long time again.

Claire was perfect. She weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces, was 20.5 inches and her apgars were 9/9. She screamed a whole lot while getting cleaned up (hello, another Luke?!?) So far, she's kept her head full of dark, dark hair and dark blue eyes - although it is still way early. In recovery, she nursed like a champ. It was kind of crazy - it's like she came out knowing EXACTLY what to do. No help or coaxing was needed.

We only stayed 2.5 days in the hospital, and those two days were pretty uneventful. I had another sucky room, but all of the nurses (save one) were excellent. I was highly uncomfortable in my bed, though. We were beyond happy when both Claire and I were discharged early.

So, Claire in a nutshell, at 2 weeks old: loves to nurse (although my flow does choke her up at times...not as bad as it did with Cam, though), sleeps a lot but is starting to have extended periods of alert time, sleeping in her crib at night (no real set pattern on the night-sleeping, but we have had a few nights where she slept for two 3-hour stretches), hates to sleep in the crib during the day (how does she know the difference?? sleeps mostly in her bouncy seat during the day) LOVES to be held. Oh, she has an umbilical hernia, just like the boys. Poor girly has an outie! Her cord fell off Sunday night and Cam and I gave her her first tub bath yesterday. She wasn't impressed, at all. She hates to poop and poops A LOT. When her bowels are moving, she makes the most disgusted faces and grunts. She even growls!

As for me, I'm recovering REALLY REALLY well this time! I got sutures instead of staples this time and the difference is freaking amazing. I have absolutely no incision pain, and actually haven't felt any pain in a few days. And prior to that, it was way minor. However. All is not rosy physically. I lost a little blood during the whole bleeding artery deal, so my iron levels are low (my OB said I was running on 1/2 tank). I have to take iron supplements, which cause constipation. And stool softeners, which produce painful gas and non-satisfying, fake poops. That is really annoying. I have to keep that torture up for 4 more weeks. I'm completely sleep-deprived, hormonal, touchy and weepy. It must suck to live with me, but Tony is being awesome about everything. The boys are both having major behavioral problems. This started before Claire was born and just hasn't cleared up. Right now, Cam is the one who is being awful, but they seem to alternate. It's really hard for me to take. And, I'm having the most awful neck pain (other than the little pains in the neck I live with!)...I think it's from continuously falling asleep while nursing sitting up. I think my leg/foot swelling is finally going down, thank God.

And now for some potential crappiess. We are supposed to close on our current house and the new one this Friday. However, we just found out our buyers are having some trouble with their loan and might not be able to close until Tuesday of next week. Which sucks. And pisses me off. We have babysitting and moving help all lined up for this Saturday. If they can't close this Friday, we are asking for the whole week and next weekend to move. They had better accommodate us - this is totally their problem/fault. Ugh. Anyway.

OK, what everyone is after...some pictures! Click "Next>>" to page through them all.
- Posted @ 6/14/2007 9:14:56 AM

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