Monday, November 26, 2012

Goodbye Jabba

Well, I guess you didn't enjoy my foreign men.  Pfffft.  Whatever.  So, I will tell you about how fat I've gotten.

When the ex left like 3 years ago, I got all depressed (well, depressed-er) and got non-hungry and stopped eating tons of chocolate chips, blocks of cheddar, and 38 Dr. Peppers a day.  I mean, I still ate, but I ate for nutrition and energy, since I needed to take care of my 2, 4, and 7 year olds.  Anyway.

I kept the weight off for a long time, and felt REALLY super good about my hot little body.  But then came this Summer.  Lots of home-cooked pasta-filled meals with the kids, lots of eating out (cleaning my plate, of course, because could I really afford to eat out?), lots of sitting around.....and I've gained a shit-ton of weight.  I had to go up a pants size, and my Winter coat is so tight that I feel like a giant sausage stuffed into it.  Gross.

Enter this coming Sunday, when I am playing model.  Model.  Not behind the lens.  In front of the lens.  In all my overstuffed glory.  So, I am having a week of good-eating.  Not eating good - as in indulging in all the carb-filled happiness that I so enjoy.  But eating well - as in putting healthy things in my mouth.  As in no Dr. Pepper. 

The plan:  drink water, hot tea (straight up), coffee (I like it black), and Crystal Light (I love that stuff).  Eat fruits, veggies, and small portions of meat, pasta, bread, and dairy.  Oh how I love the dairy.  It will be difficult.  But if I can feel a little better about Sunday, maybe I can continue that good feeling and get back to the little hot bod I once rocked. 

Also, perhaps some intense walking.  I like walking. 

And, now comes the accountability:  I shall list everything I put into my mouth right here, for the world (aka 6 folks who read this thing) to see.  Each night, expect a report.  I don't weigh myself or anything crazy like that, but I know how my clothes feel, so I'll report on that as well.

So, if you will, send me some fat cell burning, crapping my brains out vibes.  And also willpower vibes. 

Let's do this.


Julie said...

I still read your blog whenever you post anything! And, you can do this!!

Robin said...

You can do this for sure! I find the tracking really helps! Good luck :)