Sunday, November 6, 2011


Having a Netflix stream in your home is very conducive to your obsessive tendencies.  Watching whole runs of tv shows rocks.  I mean, you know, 4+ episodes a night, every night for weeks on end.  So far, I've busted through The IT Crowd, The Office, Twin Peaks, Weeds, Arrested Development, and am now reliving 30 Rock from the beginning.  That Tina Fey is pretty awesome. 

Today's been super-lazy.  I could go grocery shopping, but that's hard.  I could clean the apartment, but that's boring (actually, I'll likely do a quick pickup/wipedown here in a bit).  I really should do laundry, but I'll save that for tonight.  Because nighttime is the righttime for laundry.  I did get a shower and I did take out the trash, so that's pretty impressive.  Get the kids around 4pm, which is really awesome.  I pretty much have no purpose when they're not around, other than working and watching tv.  Which really sounds sad, but it's sort of cool to realize that you like having your kids around.

I think I need projects and motivation. 

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