Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's not my intention to hurt you.  I'm not into hurting people on purpose.  Hey, but I'm human, and I'm sure my comments/actions have and probably will in the future cause pain.  I do care about you.  I wouldn't write to you if I didn't.  Do I wish you'd tell me directly when I've done something to offend you - yes, big time.  I have feelings (unfortunately) and I get hurt, too.  I make a crapload of mistakes, make terrible decisions, am immature, impatient, fly off the handle, shut down, don't communicate, hold it all in, sweep dirt under my rug.  You don't have to be my friends.  You don't need to support me.  But you guys add so much to my life, and I learn amazing things from all of you.  Even the ones I don't know yet.  I'm glad we're all different, I'm glad we have similarities, I'm glad we laugh, cry, smile, frown, think together.  Thanks for being you.  Thanks for being here in the past, now, and if you choose, in the future. 


Theresa H. said...

I will ALWAYS be your friend and cousin, of course! I luv ya always!!! :-)

Melanie said...

You won't be able to get rid of me, baby! <3

Cathy B said...

We have been friends for the past 24 years and we will be friends for at least the next 24 years!!! Less than 3!