Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am grumpy

A Feeling-Sorry-For-Myself Post

I hate periods. I hate hormonal days. My kids are grumpy and semi-sick. My throat is on the verge of full-out hurting. I would like to lie on the couch and watch movies under a blanket. I have a movie and a blanket, but not a couch. I don't have any money. As in, NO MONEY. We spent the late morning/early afternoon making returns. To get money. To help fill in the negative balance in my checking account. I spent five minutes in front of the bathroom mirror earlier, picking at blemishes. Now I have splotchy red marks on my face. Better to feel more sorry for myself with. The movie I have to watch is The Lovely Bones. The kids are napping, but they'd probably wake up before it's over, and that's definitely not kid-friendly. I have read the book, and would love to watch the film, though. My whole body hurts and I just feel junky. I have 6 cigs left and don't have money to buy more. The kids keep asking for stuff and I tell them I don't have money. Claire advised to go to the bank and buy some money. Last night, I dreamed about escalating a case (work) and doing it really late and really wrong.

On the flip side, I am wearing the most comfortable, soft tshirt. I am watching a squirrel eat nuts. It's decent enough to sit outside for a stretch. I still have my internet. I have lots of google reader stuff to catch up on, which might sound daunting (because I am 425 items behind) but some of it is good/funny/thought-provoking/entertaining stuff. I *do* have quarters for laundry, as well as laundry supplies. Though the dryer sheet supply is decreasing. I have enough foodstuff to feed the children. I have good friends and family to talk with. I have wine in the fridge. I also have DR PEPPER. I get to be with my family tomorrow night. I have cool jewelry. I just told the toddler who lives below me that I like his boxing dinosaur shirt and he said, "RAWR!"


Adrian said...

Been there. Done that. Couldn't afford the T-shirt.

Debbie said...

I understand, Melzer. <3