Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm about to go nuts!

I am feeling a lot better. Luke seems to be feeling better. However, Claire is fussier than I've ever seen her (almost, anyway...I can hardly remember those newborn days). She wants to be held almost constantly, and even then she's unhappy. Poor girl has an ear infection, pink eye, a cold and 18 teeth coming in. She's a mess! And she'll barely nap. Cam is driving me mad, just because he's four (for now). Luke is demanding lots of attention, and is asking me 40 questions a minute. And that's ok, because he's 2.5.

"What you typin', Mommy? Why you typin', Mom? Why Mom? That gross, Mom? Should I eat it? That gross? Want one, Mom? That crunchy, Mommy? Look, Mom! I got buggers, Mom! Buggers! BUGGERS! I sick. Who do that, Mommy? Body do it, Mommy? You do it? Any Body? Mommy, Mommy, Mommy? Rainin' tomorrow? He said rainin' tomorrow, Mom. What forecats, Mom? Forecats? Radar? Mom! Mom, what radar?"

Tony came home early from work today (well, from his probate hearing about his grandmother's estate)...and he's feeling bad. Same sore throat. Same exhausted blah-ness. I feel awful for him. He probably got it from me.

So, what's my problem? I've got cabin fever. Or more like "do nothing" fever. I don't even need to get out of the house (though that would be great). I want to be able to unload the dishwasher, do laundry, do my Google work. But not a chance with the 2.5-year-old Professional Questioner, the almost-5-year-old Emotional/Hyper/Spazalot, the almost-1-year-old with Ear,Eye and Mouth Syndrome. And the husband who likely has strep. And I'm supposed to go to dinner with one of my bestest friends tomorrow night (whom I canceled on Monday night). I totally hope I can go. I NEED to go.

And I need to work. I need to get my hours in. There's always tonight, I suppose.

So, yeah. Nuts.

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