So, have you seen the Sea Bond denture adhesive commercial where these old people are singing "Bye bye paste. Bye bye ooziness. Give Sea Bond a try-yyy" A la "Bye Bye Love" by the Everly Brothers?

I don't understand how networks continue to air this smut day in and day out. They at least need to show this commercial during late, late night. If you've seen the commercial, you know what offends me: the geriatric soft core porn...when that one old chick seductively licks her upper lip as the camera pans in for a close up. Geeee-ross! Talk about heebie-jeebies.
OMG - I seriously just started laughing. I've missed out on this commercial! But, doesn't every person need soft core geriatric porn??
Thank GOd I haven't seen this one! Equally as gross, though, are the Viagra commercials and the "Empty Nester" commercials for lube. ICK!
OMG I *swear* that I was about to blog about this commercial! I have it ready to record & upload from my Tivo. The lady in the hammock that does the "Bye Bye Yuckiness" part is the best.
Dorf, you have GOT to post the commercial! I don't have Tivo or DVR, or I would. I actually considered taking a picture of my tv during the lip licking scene today!
Okay, here's the scoop. Scott deleted that show it was on. :(
But I'm on the case. I have my Tivo set to record some Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote, & CBS Evening News. If we can't nail it down with those, my name is Willard Scott.
Well forget that, I found it on youtube! The audio sync isn't great, but it's the full commercial.
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