Thursday, February 28, 2008


Just going to spout off the sea of thoughts that are flowing through my busy head...

Thursdays are so awesome! Having both boys in preschool is such a relief for me. I wish we could afford to have Luke go on Tuesdays, as well. They both love school and are doing awesomely there. Apparently, Luke is a different child at school. "So laid back." "Transitions easily from group time to gym time to lunch time, etc." "Always cooperates." At first, I was like, are you sure you have the right kid?? Anyway, I'm glad he's low-maintenance somewhere! I wish he'd show that side of him at least a little bit at home, though.

Thursdays are awesome, but too short. We drop the boys off at 9:30 (and you know drop off is an ordeal and Claire and I don't usually get out of there until 9:45, if we're lucky. Get home around 10:10. Feed Claire her breakfast and play. Nap around 11:00. Get Claire up at 12:50 and change her diaper. Leave to pick the boys up at 1:00. So, I only get from 11:00 - 12:50 to get anything done. Today, it was laundry, having a snack, internet time, putting clothes away, and cleaning up the kitchen. Time flies.

Claire's 9 month doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I get excited for these visits, still. I can't wait to see how much she's grown. Plus I'd like to know how much formula Dr. C thinks I should be feeding her, since Claire's pretty much completely made enemies with my breasts. And what solids she should be eating now. Yeah. You'd think I would know these answers by now...but with experience, comes forgetfulness. So you get wiser and stupider, I'm afraid.

Speaking of stupid brain, my nutso doctor's appointment is this coming Tuesday. Tony's going with me. I'm afraid.

Okey dokey, time to switch over the laundry before I wake Claire for our exciting journey to preschool to retrieve the hoodlums.


Melanie said...

You'll do fine at your appt! They are seriously not a big deal. Most of the time they just ask your symptoms and recommend a med. I'm an old pro at it, unfortunately! :P

I bet you will walk out of there saying "What was I so worried about?!"

Let us know how it goes, and I'll be thinking of you!

Shannon @ So You Think You Can Paint said...

I hope the appt went well Mel. {hugs}