Thursday, January 3, 2008

Snow Good

So, yeah. It snowed yesterday, and schools were closed. It was enough to make things messy, but it stopped accumulating fairly early and it seems like road crews did a decent job. It's been ass-biting cold...I think the high yesterday was 16 or something. Anyway, there were just a bunch of one-hour delays today, so my boys had preschool (their school is private, but they follow our county's bad weather school-closing schedule). It was a really good morning! I was able to get my teenager, oops, I mean four-year-old up without too too much protesting (he likes his sleep and is a BEAR to wake up)...gave Cam and Luke a bath, which was low-key, without any screaming and very little everyone dressed, teeth brushed (with only a minor fit from Luke)...fed Claire, put the dog in his out the door in time to go the long way to school (since I wasn't sure about the status of the back roads I usually take). Got to school, and got really mad! Pissed, actually. The parking lot hadn't been touched! Hello, Christians! Have a heart? Your church's preschool is huge. You have workout classes and swimming for a ton of old people. So, children had to walk on the snow/ice across a parking lot with handicapped senior drivers spinning their tires and fishtailing all over the place. Ugh. I even got stuck a little coming in the parking lot. Anyway, we made it safely inside. No one was complaining about the parking lot. In fact, everyone looked cheerful. I guess I am just an asshole!

1 comment:

dawn said...

That would have made me pretty mad too. I had a similar problem one day before Christmas when going to the post office and they hadn't plowed the 5 or so inches in the parking lot. But even worse at a school!