Monday, December 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

sleep and books and such

So, just to annoy readers, I'm going to keep track of Luke's nighttime sleeping in each blog. OK - not really to annoy readers, though it very well may, but to help me keep track. Most of January, Lukey was sleeping 7 - 8.5 hours in a row before waking to eat each night. We started having a semi-consistent bedtime of 8-9. I was digging it most. Then, this past week, the kiddo has been waking up like every 3 hours again! Argh! So, here I will either vent or cheer about the previous night's performance. Today, we'll do the last two nights, just to give a fair picture.

Sunday night: up every 2.5 - 3.5 hours. Really crappy.

Last night: kind of an odd night. He usually naps in the early evening for about an hour. Last night, he fell asleep around 6pm, but never woke up! I even opened his door, and noisy Cam running around & screaming, me rinsing dishes and loudly opening & closing doors didn't wake him. So, he slept 7 hours, ate, 4 hours, ate, 3 hours, and now he's up. There you have it.

Hey, guess what? I'm reading my first not baby-related book since Luke was born! It's The Nanny Diaries. My lovely mother-in-law let me borrow it. So far, so good. I've decided to track the books (non-baby/toddler, of course) I'm reading here. I think after I read each one, I'll rank, hmmm, we'll use a 5-star system. 5 stars = amazing, 1 star = suckalicious. So, yeah! A new blog feature. How exciting.

I had a big panic earlier. I couldn't find my camera anywhere. I have pictures to upload, plus I was planning to take the boys' Valentine pictures today. I looked all over and then started to panic that we had left it at Tony's dad's house in Jonesville. Then I remembered taking photos of the boys sleeping on the car ride home from their house. Then the mystery was solved...we had left it at my mom's house Sunday. I couldn't even remember getting it out of the diaper bag, but she reminded me we had taken shots of Luke in the exersaucer (which, by the way, he really seemed to like - it was his first time!) So, whew. I'm glad it's safe and sound at her house. I was really sweating. I'm going to take the V-day shots with my old camera - luckily I have an extra memory card.

OK, need to nurse Luke - he's been up for almost an hour without eating!

Monday, January 30, 2006


1. Is it wrong to like American Idol?
2. Is it wrong to only like American Idol early in the season, when all the awful singers are still auditioning?
3. Is it sad that the biggest thing that gets you through the TV week is the chance to watch The Office Thursday night at 9:30?
4. Is it odd that you find The Office crazy hilarious and consider it one of your favorite shows, yet you barely laugh the entire 30 minutes?
5. Is it kind of funny that America so loves CSI (the original one), despite Grissom's cheesy quotes each and every episode?

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

School days

Oh yeah, so we checked out that perspective mothers day out/preschool program for Cam on Monday (it was supposed to be a week earlier, but was rescheduled). Cameron loved it there! I liked it a lot, too. It has just the amount of structure vs. free play that I was looking for, is clean and well organized and I'm pleased with their rules/procedures. Overall, a good environment. Some drawbacks, though:

-He won't be able to start until September (it's a Sept - May program). We could have gotten on a waiting list for the 2-year-old room now, but it is so long and they don't expect any "dropouts" from the current class.

-They do a bible story time every day. I'm not surprised, since it's at a church. But I really don't want to shove religion down his throat, since we're not religious at all. I mean, we want to raise our kids with the same values that Christians know, do unto a good person, blah blah blah, but I don't want him to think that Mom and Dad are into the whole Creationism thing. No matter, I'm sure he'll just look at the stories as any other kind of stories and will enjoy being read to, regardless of the subject.

-Cost. Not sure it's a drawback, just not sure if it's expensive, reasonable or what. I guess I need to do some research.

We can choose to send him anywhere from 2-5 days a week, and as long as we register him between 10-2am on February 16th, we're in. We're interested in 2 days, I think, mostly due to cost. School is from 9:30am - 1:30pm. So, for two days a week, the monthly cost is $130. Anyone have any opinions on whether that is spendy or not?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Relax - it's your birthday!

I'm 31 today. Birthdays around here are so glamorous! I just cleaned the bathroom. PSA time for Bounty paper towels. I attached one (1) Bounty to the Swiffer, sprayed the floor with Windex and "mopped" the entire bathroom without it coming apart. No need for those silly Swiffer Wet Cloths! I also gave Cameron a bath. It's pretty easy to clean most of the bathroom while he's playing in the tub, getting all pruney. Easy if Luke stays asleep, that is! (which he did this time)

Yeah, the great thing about birthdays is being with your family. Mom is coming over tonight and Tony is making his yum potato soup for me. The kind of sucky thing about that is having to bust your bum to get the house clean, while entertaining/feeding/bathing an infant and a toddler! Oh well! At least the house will be nice and clean for the weekend.

So, my to do list for the afternoon:

load & run dishwasher
clean kitchen counters & dining room table
swiffer kitchen & dining room floors
quick-dust living room
vacuum living room & hall
feed luke x 3
change luke's diaper x 2 or 3
probably clean up a blowout
put luke down for another nap
feed cam lunch
change cam's diaper
probably be asked to potty and just sit there with cam while he does nothing
put cam down for nap
play cars
read books
hammer, screw, cut wood with table saw (cam's)
take pictures for new frame

I best get busy! What do I want for my 31st birthday? More time!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

On a roll...

I don't like Kleenex Cottonelle Double Roll TP. It is a rip off (no pun intended). We use the regular, normal-sized roll kind. It is almost perfect, with the appropriate amount of texture and know, traction with comfort. Anyway, so a while ago, I bought the double roll kind a Target, because they didn't have the regular. It sucks so bad that we are still using it. Like, I'll fill up the bottom drawer with 3 normal rolls and then throw in a giant double roll, just to get rid of it. So, yeah, there are more sheets per roll, but they are thinner! And the texture is barely there! It's super-flat! and the roll is just so big and clunky on my paper holder. OK, just had to get it off my chest. Yes, I just used some of the double roll TP. Can't wait until that shit (no pun, again) is gone - I'm pretty sure that's the last roll!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Some Cameron stuff...

"With me, Mom!" - what Cam says when he wants to go somewhere with you, instead of "with you". Like I just went to the bathroom and Cam ran down the hall after me saying "With me, Mom! With me, Mom!"

Cam's positive response of choice used to be a hearty, "Sure!" Then it morphed into "Uh-huh." Now it's "Yeah!"....we more like "Yay-uh!"

Tony remarked at dinner the other night that Cam has to be the only kid in the world that likes peas, but hates macaroni and cheese.
You'd think peas were candy by the way he gets all excited about them.

Cam takes his pants off every morning around 11:00.

Cam really really really likes baby toys.

Some Luke stuff...

Luke turned three months old yesterday! Hard to believe he's that old in some ways, but on the other hand, it seems like he's been with us a lot longer. Last night, Lukey decided to spaz out on us. He got really upset while we were eating dinner and his urgent cries quickly escalated to hysterical shrieks. I was able to do nothing to calm him. He'd nurse for a minute, then scream for five. This went on for like an hour. Finally, Tony took over and was able to calm him to sleep. He slept for five hours before waking to eat. Then he slept for five more hours. I'll take that. But still, the whole episode sucked ass. Tony says that's how Luke is whenever I'm not home. Wonderful.

Luke has discovered his hand. He thinks it's one cool thing. He just holds it in front of his face and gives it this look like, "whoa, dude!" He also thinks it's fun to stick his fist up to my mouth and have me kiss it. I have to kiss it or he gets upset.

We think the kiddo is ready to walk and talk, but he just can't do either yet. He's always lunging forward, as if he has someplace important to go. And he's quite the babbler...lots to say. I guess when you have a role model like his blabbermouth brother, it's just par for the course? ;)

Some Mel stuff...

I've had the most annoying headache (off and on) for like three days. Sometimes I think it's sinus-related, sometimes TMJ-related, other times just a tension headache. Whatever it is, I'd please like it to go away.

The kids and I went on our first playdate Friday. We went to Staci's (Staci of Stason) house for lunch and playtime. It was great to get out of the house and talk with an adult other than Tony. Not that I don't like talking to's not that at all! It's just neat to change things up. We ended up staying until 3:00. It was nice and relaxed and I think I might be liking my sister-in-law these days. I don't know if she's changed, or if I've changed, or if we just have something in common now (kids!), but I find her to be so much easier to take lately.

Monday, we have an appointment to tour a mothers day out program at a church near us. We really want to get Cameron out of the house a couple days a week for a few hours, so that he can blow off some steam and socialize and all that good stuff. We'll see how the place looks, what their philosophy is, cost, ect, ect. Registration is next month, but I'm not sure if there will be a waiting list or what. And I'm not even sure when he could start. I'll update on Monday, though.

Well then - enough about us for now! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. Cheers.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Their talents will astound you...

Coming soon to a Circus Side Show near you...

The Amazing Lucas

Fastest Pooper Alive! Able to fill an entire fresh diaper with a short squirt of poop in a single bound.

Cameron the Fantastic

Drooling World Record Holder! Can soak a long-sleeved t-shirt in one fell swoop!

Friday, January 6, 2006

Favorite Things

Our little Luke is really growing up! He's turning into a milder baby, that's for sure. I mean, he's still intense, but he now smiles, laughs, talks (well, you know what I mean), reaches for things, watches tv, and is very interested in his world. Currently, he's totally in love with me. Kind of makes it hard to feed him or get him to sleep when all he wants to do is smile at me and talk to me! My milk flow just doesn't understand the meaning of "pause" when he is eagerly sucking away at first, and then decides to detach to grin and coo at me!

So, here are Lukey's favorite things, at almost 3 months old:

Of course, Me!

Big Brother Cameron, who Luke loves to watch

His changing table. The kid loves to be on that table. Cameron was the same way!

And the bug toy that hangs above Luke's changing table. He cracks up at that bug...this is his view:

Cameron is our little chatter box these days. He talks about everything and you really have to watch what you say. His present lovely phrase is, "oh crap!" - courtesy of Grandma Jackie. I'm trying to get him to say "oh boy"'s slow-going. He says "oh crap" approximately 15 times daily.

Some of Cam's favorites at 2.5 years old are:

His Aunt Amy, who he was so lucky to see for two weeks in December!

His beloved stuffed dog, Baby, who he will probably be carrying around for the next 10 years...

Cam's favorite show EVER, Little Einsteins. He gets so excited that he literally trembles when it comes on!

His candle collection. We were going to toss a bunch of these candles, which were just cluttering the hall closet. C-note had other plans. He loves to arrange them and smell them.

Those are my boys!

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Who is who?

- Posted @ 1/4/2006 1:56:28 PM

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